키플레이어된 이보영, 불면증 약 부작용→건강 적신호 (대행사)[TV종합]Key player Lee Bo-young, side effects of insomnia medicine → Health red light (agent) [TV comprehensive]

사진제공 = ‘대행사’ 영상 캡처Photo provided = Capture the "agent" video
JTBC 토일드라마 ‘대행사’ 이보영은 VC그룹 승계싸움 키플레이어가 됐고, 손나은은 “세상을 바꾸겠다”며 2차 각성을 했다.JTBC's Saturday drama "Agencies" Lee Bo-young became a key player in the VC group's succession fight, and Son Na-eun made a second awakening, saying, "I will change the world." 지난 5일 방영된 10회 시청률은 전회보다 상승해 수도권 12.4%, 전국 11.6%를 기록했다.The ratings of the 10th episode, which aired on the 5th, rose from the previous episode, recording 12.4% in the Seoul metropolitan area and 11.6% nationwide. (닐슨코리아 제공, 유료가구 기준)(Nilson Korea provided, based on paid households)

‘대행사’(연출 이창민/극본 송수한) 10회에서 고아인(이보영 분)은 우원의 기업PR 광고 성공으로 승승장구했다.In the 10th episode of "The Agency" (directed by Lee Chang-min/transmitted script), Go Ah-in (played by Lee Bo-young) was on a roll with Woo-won's corporate PR advertisement success. 우원과 신규 광고주 물량으로도 자리를 걸고 선포한 매출 50% 상승의 6-70퍼센트를 채울 수 있었다.The volume of Woowon and new advertisers was also able to fill 6-70% of the 50% increase in sales declared at stake. 그런데 하필이면 이때 건강에 적신호가 켜졌다.However, at this time, a red light was turned on for health. 불면증 치료제 부작용인 ‘몽유병’ 증세를 알게 된 것.He learned of the symptoms of "sleepwalking," a side effect of insomnia treatment. 자다 눈을 뜨면 혹여 회사일까, 길거리일까, 아파트 옥상일까 두려워진 고아인은 VC기획 사장은커녕, 업계에서 사장(死藏)될지도 모르는 위기의 ‘계산서’가 날아들자, 자신 앞에 펼쳐진 꽃길을 만끽할 수 없었다.The orphan, who was afraid of being at work, on the street, or on the roof of an apartment when he opened his eyes while sleeping, could not enjoy the flower path in front of him as a "bill" flew in, let alone a VC planning president.

그 사이 강한나(손나은 분)는 한 번도 생각해보지 않았던 현실의 벽을 직시했다.In the meantime, Kang Han-na (Son Na-eun) faced a wall of reality that she had never thought about. 오랜 세월 함께 해온 비서 박영우(한준우 분) 차장에게 “우리 융합해서 시너지 내자”며 농담 반, 진담 반으로 던진 프러포즈가 그 시작이었다.The start was a proposal thrown half jokingly and half seriously to deputy secretary Park Young-woo (Han Joon-woo), who has been with him for a long time, saying, "Let's merge and create synergy." “같이 있으면 든든하다”는 그녀의 진심을 느낀 박차장 역시 “다들 돌아이라고 하는 강한나의 단점이 나한테는 전부 장점으로 보인다”는 속마음을 털어놓았다.Park, who felt her sincerity, saying, "I feel reassured when I'm with you," also confessed, "Kang Han-na's shortcomings, which everyone says are crazy, seem to be all advantages to me. 하지만 정작 그가 진짜 하려던 말은 이때부터였다.But what he really wanted to say was from then on. 그 모든 걸 덮을 만한 진짜 단점이 하나 있다는 것, 바로 그녀가 재벌 3세라는 사실이었다.There was one real drawback to cover it all up: the fact that she was the third generation of the chaebol. 만약 강한나가 박차장과 정분이라도 난다면 그룹 내 승계 싸움에서의 미래는 끝, 박차장은 멍석말이 당해 쫓겨날 것이 불 보듯 뻔했다.If Kang Han-na was angry with Deputy Manager Park, the future in the group's succession fight would be over, and Deputy Manager Park would be kicked out. “우리는 융합하면 시너지가 아니라 독이 되는 사이”라는 박차장의 팩트 폭격에 평생 부족한 것 없이 아쉬운 소리 한번 하지 않고 살았던 강한나는 처음으로 ‘자괴감’을 느꼈다.For the first time, Kang Han-na, who lived without saying anything regrettable for the rest of her life due to Park's fact bombing, "We become poison, not synergy when we converge," felt "shame."

VC그룹의 절대 권력자 왕회장(전국환 분)은 직원들에게 마음을 주면 안 된다고 생각하는 인물.Wang Chairperson (Jeon Kook-hwan), the absolute authority of VC Group, is a person who believes that employees should not be given heart. 마음이 생기면 친근해지고, 친근해지면 동등해지려고 하고, 동등해지면 이겨 먹으려고 달려든다는 생각하기 때문이었다.It was because I thought that if I had a heart, I would become friendly, if I had a friend, I would try to be equal, and if I had a heart, I would rush to win and eat. 강한나도 어렸을 적 운전기사 생일선물을 준비했다가 할아버지 왕회장에게 크게 혼나고, 운전기사는 해고당했던 기억을 떠올렸다.Kang Han-na also recalled preparing a driver's birthday gift when she was young and being scolded by her grandfather, Wang Chairperson, and the driver was fired. 하지만 강한나는 강한나였다.But Kang Han-na was Kang Han-na. 실의에 빠졌던 것도 잠시, “내가 아닌 세상을 바꾸겠다.I was disappointed for a while because I said, "I'll change the world, not me." 내가 누군지 확실하게 보여주겠다”며 각성한 것.I'll show you who I am." 세상과 싸우기 버거워 나를 바꾸는 선택을 하는 보통 사람들과 다른, 사랑과 일, 둘 다 쟁취하기 위해 전의를 불태운 ‘강한나’다운 선택이었다.It was a "strong me" choice that burned my fighting spirit to win both love and work, different from ordinary people who made a choice to change me because it was too hard to fight the world.

그러나 박차장이 경고한 그 독은 이미 서서히 퍼지고 있었다.But the poison, warned by Deputy General Manager Park, was already spreading slowly. 우원 PT에서 패배하고 좌천 위기에 놓인 최창수(조성하 분)는 새로운 ‘생명줄’을 잡기 위한 더 큰 프로젝트를 시작했다.Choi Chang-soo (Cho Sung-ha), who was defeated in Woowon PT and is on the verge of demotion, has launched a bigger project to catch a new "life line." 바로 강한나와 박차장이 “과하게 가깝다”고 느끼고, 이를 승계 싸움에 이용하려는 VC그룹 부사장 강한수(조복래 분)였다.It was Kang Han-soo (Cho Bok-rae), vice president of VC Group, who felt that Kang Han-na and Park were "too close" and tried to use it for a succession fight. 그의 라인에 입성하기 위해 최창수는 ‘전리품’ 즉, 강한나와 박차장에게 치명타를 입힐 수 있는 몰래 촬영한 다정한 사진까지 준비했다.In order to enter his line, Choi Chang-soo even prepared a friendly photo taken secretly that could cause a fatal blow to Kang Han-na and deputy general manager Park.

그런데 그가 간과한 사실이 있었으니, 바로 VC그룹 내에서 한층 더 높아진 고아인의 위상이었다.However, there was a fact that he overlooked, which was the status of an orphan even higher in the VC group. “절대 한나 곁에 두면 안 되는 인물”로 고아인을 주목한 강한수는 최창수와 만나는 자리에 의도적으로 그녀도 동석하게 했다.Kang Han-soo, who noticed the orphan as "a person who should never be near Hannah," intentionally made her attend the meeting with Choi Chang-soo. 또한 최창수가 준비한 전리품 역시 함께 보게 했다.In addition, the spoils prepared by Choi Chang-soo were also seen together. 고아인은 단번에 자신이 강한나와 강한수의 승계 싸움에 끼게 됐다는 사실을 꿰뚫었다.At once, the orphan realized that he was involved in the succession fight between Kang Han-na and Kang Han-soo. 게다가 오너 일가 저녁 식사 자리에 초대했던 왕회장도 그녀를 다시 불러 시험대에 올려놓았다.In addition, Wang, who invited her to dinner with the owner's family, called her back and put her on the test. “누구 손을 잡겠냐”는 것이었다."Whose hand shall I hold?" “손에 잡히는 이익은 보이는데, 영 마음이 안 간다”고 읊조리던 고아인.An orphan who recited, "I can see the benefits in my hands, but I can't feel it." VC그룹 승계 싸움의 키플레이어가 된 그녀가 누구와 시너지를 낼지 궁금해지는 엔딩이었다.It was an ending that made me wonder who she would create synergy with as she became a key player in the VC group succession fight.

‘대행사’는 매주 토, 일, 밤 10시30분 방송된다."The Agency" airs every Saturday, Sunday, and night at 10:30 p.m.

동아닷컴 전효진 기자 Dong-A dotcom reporter Jeon Hyo-jin

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