김소현 "♥손준호와 부동산 데이트.."Kim Sohyun" ♥ Real estate date with Son Joonho...예산無 넣었는데 청약 당첨""I put in no budget, but I got a subscription."

[스포츠조선 이유나 기자] 뮤지컬 배우 김소현이 부동산을 보는 남다른 경험과 눈을 강조했다.Musical actor Kim So-hyun emphasized the extraordinary experience and eyes of real estate.

5일 방송한 MBC '구해줘 홈즈'에서 코디로 출연한 김소현은 "어릴 때 엄마 쫓아서 굉장히 집을 많이 보러 다녔다"며 남다른 유년 시절 경험을 전했다.Kim So-hyun, who appeared as a coordinator on MBC's Save Me Holmes, which aired on the 5th, said, "I chased my mom when I was young, so I went to see her house a lot."

이어 "남편이랑 집보는걸 둘다 좋아해서 연애할 때 부동산 데이트를 많이 했다."I liked to see my husband at home, so I went on a lot of real estate dates when I was in a relationship. 예산이 하나도 없는데도 보는 것을 좋아했다.I liked to watch it even though I didn't have any budget. 나름 발품을 많이 팔아서 보는 노하우가 쌓인 것 같다"고 자신했다.I think I've built up my know-how to see a lot of footwork," he said confidently.

또한 "지금까지 이사 5번했는데 한번 할때마다 20채 이상씩 집을 봤다.Also, "I've moved five times so far, but I've seen more than 20 houses every time. 지금 살고 있는 집도 부동산을 그냥 돌다가 우연히 모델하우스에 들어가게 됐다.The house I live in now also happened to enter the model house while just walking around the real estate. 한눈에 보고 뿅 갔다.I saw it at a glance and fell in love. 예산도 하나도 없으면서 청약을 넣어보자 했다.I didn't have any budget, so I decided to put in a subscription. 안될 것 같아서 넣어보자 했는데 그게 당첨됐다"고 말했다.I thought it wouldn't work, so I tried to put it in, but it won."

이날 김소현은 연애 초반 롱디 커플이었던 사연도 전했다.On the same day, Kim So-hyun also reported that she was a long-died couple in the beginning of her relationship. 김소현은 "저희 부부는 연애 초반에 서울 대구를 오가던 롱디 커플이었다.Kim So-hyun said, "We were a long-died couple who went back and forth between Seoul and Daegu at the beginning of our relationship. 잠깐 몇달인데도 너무 힘들었다"고 회상했다.It was just a few months, but it was so hard."

한편 김소현 손준호는 2011년에 결혼한 8세 연상연하 뮤지컬 배우 커플이다.Meanwhile, Kim So-hyun and Son Joon-ho are a couple of musical actors eight years older and younger, who got married in 2011. 슬하에 주안 군을 두고 있다.I have Juan-kun under my belt.

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