김용필 지목했던 하동근..Ha Dong-geun who pointed at Kim Yong-pil...'미스터트롯2' 추가 합격 '대반전'Additional pass for "Mr. Trot 2". "Great twist".

[OSEN=박소영 기자] ‘미스터트롯2’ 하동근이 ‘데스매치’서 또 한번 살아남아 ‘톱25’에 합류하는 반전 드라마를 썼다.[OSEN = Reporter Park So-young] Ha Dong-geun of "Mr. Trot 2" wrote an unexpected drama in which he survived "Death Match" again and joined "Top 25."

하동근은 2일 방송된 TV조선 ‘미스터트롯2-새로운 전설의 시작’ 7회 마지막에서 ‘데스매치’ 추가 합격자로 호명돼 모두의 격한 박수를 받았다.Ha Dong-geun was called an additional successful candidate for "Death Match" at the end of the seventh episode of TV Chosun's "Mr. Trot 2-The Beginning of a New Legend," which aired on the 2nd, and received enthusiastic applause from everyone.

앞서 하동근은 ‘마스터 예심’ 때 ‘사랑님’을 불러 마스터들의 극찬과 함께 ‘올하트’를 받았지만, 본선 2차전에서 고비를 맞았다.Earlier, Ha Dong-geun sang "Sarangnim" during the "Master Prejudice" and received "All Heart" along with the masters' rave reviews, but he faced a crisis in the second round of the finals. 강력한 우승 후보인 김용필을 용감하게 지목해, ‘데스매치’ 첫 무대를 꾸몄던 것. 당시 하동근은 윤복희의 ‘왜 돌아보오’를 선곡해 열창했고, 박선주-장윤정-현영 등 마스터들의 극찬에도 불구하고 김용필에게 패했다.He bravely pointed out Kim Yong-pil, a strong candidate for the championship, and made the first stage of "Death Match." At that time, Ha Dong-geun selected Yoon Bok-hee's "Why Turn Around" and lost to Kim Yong-pil despite rave reviews from masters such as Park Sun-joo, Jang Yoon-jung and Hyun-young. 마스터들은 “둘 다 너무 훌륭한 무대였는데, 한명을 골라야 한다는 게 너무 힘들다”며 괴로워했고 하동근은 아쉽게 ‘탈락 후보’가 됐다.Masters suffered, saying, "Both were so great stages, but it's so hard to choose one person," and Ha Dong-geun unfortunately became a "candidate for elimination."

그럼에도 두 사람의 맞대결 후 ‘결과 발표’ 장면은 5회 방송 중 분당 최고 시청률인 22.4%(닐슨코리아 집계)를 기록해 폭발적인 화제를 모았다.Nevertheless, the "result announcement" scene after the showdown between the two drew explosive attention by recording 22.4% (Nilson Korea's tally), the highest viewer rating per minute during the fifth episode. 하동근에게도 “졌잘싸”(졌지만 잘 싸웠다)라는 반응이 쏟아졌다.Ha Dong-geun also received a lot of responses, saying, "Lost but fought well." 이 같은 시청자들의 기대에 부응하듯, 하동근은 7회 마지막에 ‘추가 합격자’로 이름을 올려 ‘트롯 불사조’라는 애칭을 얻게 됐다.As if meeting such viewers' expectations, Ha Dong-geun was named an "additional successful candidate" at the end of the seventh episode, earning the nickname "Trot Phoenix."

나아가, 하동근은 매회 ‘신스틸러’급 분량몰이로도 화제를 모으고 있다.Furthermore, Ha Dong-geun is also drawing attention as a "scene stealer" level of airtime every episode. 다른 참가자들의 무대에 ‘찐 리액션’을 방출해 깨알 웃음을 안기는 것은 물론, 지난 6회에서는 이찬성과 함께 건강기능식품 PPL을 맡아 ‘만담’급 콩트 연기를 선보인 것. 노래뿐 아니라 분위기 메이커 역할을 톡톡히 하는 ‘리액션 眞’, ‘인간 비타민’, ‘동근해’ 하동근이 앞으로 펼쳐질 본선 3차전 ‘메들리 팀미션’에서 어떤 매력을 보여줄지 기대와 관심이 쏠린다.In addition to releasing "real reactions" on the stage of other participants, in the sixth episode, Lee Chan-sung was in charge of health functional food PPL and showed a comedy-class skit. Expectations and attention are high on what charm Ha Dong-geun will show in the third round of the finals.


[사진] 미스터트롯2’ 캡처[Picture] Capture of "Mr. Trot 2

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