정성일 "어릴 적 고인 물로 배 채워..Jung Sungil, "I filled my stomach with stagnant water when I was young..."母 요양-父 자유영혼 " (유퀴즈)[★밤TView]Mother's Nursing - 자유Free Spirit ( (Yu Quiz) [★Night TV View]

/사진='유 퀴즈 온 더 블럭' 방송 화면Photo = You Quiz on the Block broadcast screen 배우 정성일이 배고팠던 어린 시절을 회상했다.Actor Jung Sung-il recalled his childhood when he was hungry.

1일 오후 방송된 tvN 예능 프로그램 '유 퀴즈 온 더 블럭'에서 넷플릭스 인기 오리지널 시리즈 '더 글로리'로 주목을 받은 정성일이 게스트로 출연했다.Jung Sung-il, who received attention for Netflix's popular original series "The Glory," appeared as a guest on tvN's entertainment program "You Quiz on the Block," which aired on the afternoon of the 1st.

이날 정성일은 배우가 된 계기에 대해 묻자 "먹고 사는 거에 급급해서 꿈이 없었다"며 "어머니를 늦게 만났다.When asked about how he became an actor that day, Jung Sung-il said, "I had no dream because I was busy eating and living," and "I met my mother late." 어렸을 때부터 어머니가 몸이 안 좋으셔서 먼 곳에 긴 시간 동안 요양을 가 계셨고, 아버지는 자유 영혼이여서 집에 안 계셨다"고 가난했던 어린 시절을 떠올렸다."Since I was young, my mother was not feeling well, so I went to a faraway place for a long time, and my father was a free soul, so he was not at home," he recalled his poor childhood. 정성일은 이어 "고3 올라갈 때 어머니가 몸이 나으셔서 날 보듬어줄 수 있는 상황이 됐다"며 "어머니가 '대학교 가야 되지 않겠냐'고 하시더라.Jung Sung-il went on to say, "When I went up to the 12th grade, my mother got better, so I was in a situation where she could embrace me," adding, "My mother said, 'Shouldn't I go to college?' 막상 저는 대학을 생각해보지 않았고, 공부를 한 적도 없었다.I never thought about college and never studied. 그런데 누나가 '실기 위주로 하는 것들으 찾아보자, 방송연예과라는 게 있다'고 하더라.But my sister said, "Let's look for things that focus on practical skills, there is a thing called broadcasting entertainment." 그래서 연기 학원을 다니다가 그렇게 대학을 갔고, 연기를 진짜 좋아하게 된 것은 연극 동아리를 하면서부터다"고 말했다.That's why I went to college while attending an acting academy, and I really liked acting since I was in a theater club."

정성일은 또한 "방황한 적은 없었냐"는 MC 유재석의 질문에 "물론 방황기도 있었다.When asked by MC Yoo Jae-seok, "Have you ever wandered?" Jung Sung-il also said, "Of course, there was a period of wandering." 부모님이 안 계시다 보니 너무 어린 나이였는데 누나가 엄마, 아빠였다.I was too young because my parents weren't there, but my sister was my mom and dad. 친할머니가 계셨는데 내가 초등학교 4학년일 때 거동이 불편하게 되셨다.My grandmother was there, and when I was in the fourth grade of elementary school, I became uncomfortable with my movements. 그 당시에 누나도 나도 초등학생이었는데, 할머니를 요양하다 보니까 대소변을 우리가 받아야 했다"며 눈물을 글썽였다.At that time, my sister and I were elementary school students, and we had to urinate while recuperating our grandmother," he said with tears.

정성일은 초등학교 6학년 시절 할머니가 돌아가시기 전까지 누나와 셋이서 좁은 집에서 살았다고 했다.Jung Sung-il said that when he was in the sixth grade of elementary school, he lived in a small house with his sister until his grandmother passed away. 그는 "엄마를 만나기 전까지는 거의 누가가 나를 키웠다"며 "불과 두 살밖에 차이가 안 나지만"이라고 털어놨다."Until I met my mom, almost someone raised me," he said adding, "There's only a two-year-old difference."

정성일은 비가 오면 놀이터에 고인 물을 마시기도 했다고 고백했다.Jung Sung-il confessed that he even drank water accumulated in the playground when it rained. 그는 "놀이터에 보도 블록이 비뚤비뚤 하게 있는데, 비가 오면 물이 고인다.He said, "There are crooked sidewalks in the playground, and when it rains, water collects. 누나가 학교 끝나고 오기 전까지 너무 배가 고프더라.I was so hungry before my sister came back from school. 먹을 게 없어서 그 물을 마시려고 모래가 가라앉기까지 기다렸다.There was nothing to eat, so I waited for the sand to sink to drink the water. 어디가서 얻어 먹어도 되는데, 그것도 한 두 번이지 않나.You can get it anywhere, but it's only once or twice, isn't it? 그 물로 배를 채운 적도 있다"고 말했다.I once filled my stomach with that water."

그는 20년 간 연기 활동을 하면서 생계 유지를 위해 다양한 아르바이트를 했던 사실을 밝히기도 했다.He also revealed that he had worked part-time for 20 years to maintain his livelihood. 그는 "늘 작품이 있는 게 아니니까 아르바이트를 해야 했다.He said, "I had to work part-time because I didn't always have work. 우유배달, 신문배달, 빌딩청소, 발레바킹, 대리운전, 카페 아르바이트도 해봤다"고 전했다.I've also done milk delivery, newspaper delivery, building cleaning, ballet boxing, proxy driving, and cafe part-time work."

윤성열 기자 Reporter Yoon Sung Yeol:
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