‘나는 솔로’ “그만했으면 좋겠어”..."I want you to stop doing 'Solo...일방적인 광수에 결국 터진 옥순의 눈물(종합)Oksun's tears that eventually burst into one-sided light (Overall)

[헤럴드POP=정한비 기자][Herald Pop = Reporter Jeong Hanbi]

사진=SBS Plus 방송 화면 캡쳐Photo =SBS Plus broadcast screen capture
옥순이 결국 눈물을 흘렸다.Ok-soon finally shed tears.

1일 밤 방송된 SBS Plus, ENA PLAY 예능프로그램 ‘나는 솔로’에서는 광수의 일방적인 마음에 부담을 느낀 옥순의 모습이 전파를 탔다.On SBS Plus and ENA PLAY entertainment program "I Am Solo," which aired on the night of the 1st, Ok-soon, who felt burdened by Kwang-soo's unilateral mind, was broadcast.

제작진은 한데 모인 열두 명의 솔로들에게 “솔로나라 안에 있는 여섯 개의 빈집에서 신혼부부 놀이를 해보라”고 지시, 남자 출연자들은 “부부요?”, “세 명 선택 받으면 일처다부제야?”라며 깜짝 놀랐다.The production team instructed the 12 soloists who gathered together to "play as newlyweds in six empty houses in Solonara," and the male performers were surprised, saying, "Couple?" and "If three people are chosen, are you a polyandry?" 영수가 먼저 옥순의 집을 찾아간 가운데 영철과 광수 역시 미련이 남은 듯 옥순과의 데이트를 선택했다.While Young-soo visited Ok-soon's house first, Young-chul and Kwang-soo also chose to date Ok-soon as if they had lingering feelings. 광수는 “’신혼부부’ 콘셉트에도 여러가지가 있을 거 아니에요?Kwangsoo must have a lot of different concepts for "Newlywouldn't he? 제가 하나 짜놓은 게 있어서”라며 ‘결혼 1년이 채 안 된 신혼부부가 서로 말싸움을 심하게 하고 남편이 술 마시고 들어와서 이혼 얘기를 하게 된 상황’이라는 설정을 제시했다.I have one thing planned," he said, suggesting, "The newlyweds, who have been married for less than a year, had a hard time arguing with each other and their husbands came in after drinking to talk about divorce." 영수, 영철은 “난 솔직히 이렇게까지 생각을 못했다”며 놀랐다.Young-soo and Young-chul were surprised, saying, "To be honest, I didn't think this far."

“저도 물 흐르는 대로 하는 게 좋다”고 했던 옥순은 결국 광수의 상황극을 받아줬다.Ok-soon, who said, "I'd better do as the water flows," eventually accepted Kwang-soo's situational play. 광수는 자신의 현재 심정을 상황극에 담아 “옥순이가 생각했을 때는 의사 표현이 정확하게 전달됐다고 생각했을 텐데 나는 이제 물음표를 띄우면서 ‘이게 무슨 의미지?’ 생각했던 날이 너무 많았던 것 같아”라고 했지만 이는 옥순에게 오롯이 부담으로 다가갔다.Kwang-soo put his current feelings into a situational play and said, "Oksun must have thought that the expression of his intention was accurately conveyed, but now I think there were too many days when I thought, 'What does this mean?' with a question mark," but this was a burden on Oksun. 옥순은 “다른 분들한테는 옥순과 정리했다고 하던데?”라고 반박하며 “지금 뭘 하자는 거지?”라고 혼란스러워 했다.Oksun refuted, "I heard other people have arranged with Oksun," and was confused, "What are you going to do now?"

결국 옥순은 “나는 이런 대화 방식이 부담스러운 것 같아.In the end, Oksun said, "I think this way of talking is burdensome. 이렇게 계속 하는 게 맞을까?Is this the right way to continue? 좀 다른 방법이나, 라이트하게 할 수 있는 방법은 없었을까?Is there any other way to make it lighter? 자기만의 방식을 푸시하는 걸 좋아하는 거야?”라고 단도직입적으로 말했다.Do you like to push your own way?" he said bluntly. 당황한 광수는 “아니야, 나는 받아들이려고 했는데 내 식으로 곡해해서 되돌아 가는 거지”라고 했고, “내가 좋게 거절을 했는데도 계속 푸시를 하는 거면 혹시 내 입장을 생각해 봤는지”라는 일침에 “혹시 이게 강압이나 협박처럼 느껴지면 그만둘게”라고 했다.Frustrated, Kwang-soo said, "No, I tried to accept it, but I misunderstood it in my own way, so I'm going back," and added, "If you keep pushing me even though I refused nicely, I'll quit if it feels like coercion or intimidation."

“그만했으면 좋겠어”라는 옥순에게 끄덕이며 광수는 “기억 몇 개만 남겨줬으면 좋겠어."I want you to stop," he nodded to Oksun and said, "I want you to remember a few things." 얘기 나눠줘서 고맙고, 처음부터 끝까지 다 고마워”라고 대화를 마무리하려 했지만 옥순은 “도돌이표 같아.Thank you for talking to me, and thank you for everything from beginning to end, but Ok-soon said, "It's like a repeat sign." 끝난 줄 알았는데 자꾸…I thought it was over, but... 혹시 그런 걸 ‘사랑’이라고 생각하는 거야?”라고 답답해 했다.Do you think that's "love" by any chance?" 결국 “광수가 어떻게 생각하는지는 모르겠지만 이렇게 말을 직접적으로 하는 것도 힘든 거라서”라며 계속해서 거절의 말을 해야했던 상황이 버거운 듯 끝내 울먹였다.In the end, he cried as if it was too much to say no, saying, "I don't know what Kwang-soo thinks, but it's hard to talk directly like this." 자책하던 광수가 “얼굴 맞대고 사과하고 싶다”고 하자 MC들은 “어쨌든 한 번 더 간다는 말?”이라며 고개를 저으며 안타까워했다.When Kwang-soo, who was blaming himself, said, "I want to apologize face-to-face," the MCs shook their heads, saying, "Do you mean we're going one more time anyway?"

한편 다음 차례인 영수는 지금껏 소극적이었던 모습을 버리고 “데이트 하고 싶다”고 말해 MC들을 놀라게 했다.Meanwhile, Young-soo, the next player, surprised the MCs by saying, "I want to go on a date," abandoning his passive appearance so far. 데프콘은 “그 자책하던 사람이 매력남이 됐다”며 영수의 환골탈태를 반겼다.Defconn welcomed Young-soo's transformation, saying, "The person who blamed himself has become an attractive man." 옥순 역시 이를 느낀 듯 “어제보다 무너가 더 확실하게 표현을 (하는 것 같다)”며 “부담스럽지 않고 좋다”고 했다.As if feeling this, Ok-soon also said, "I think the collapse is expressing it more clearly than yesterday," adding, "It's not burdensome and good."

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