'최고기와 이혼' 유깻잎, "님 같은 손님 안받아요" 정색한 이유는"The Best Divorce," "I'm not accepting customers like you." The reason why I'm so serious is because...

[스포츠조선닷컴 김수현기자] 뷰티 크리에이터 유깻잎이 갑작스러운 고통에 놀랐다.[Sports Chosun Dotcom reporter Kim Soo-hyun] Beauty creator Yoo Sesame Leaf was surprised by the sudden pain.

5일 유깻잎은 "아..The five-day sesame leaf said, "Oh... 갑자기 없던 생리통을 한다고?You suddenly have menstrual cramps that you don's not there? 당황스러운데?I'm flustered. 뭐 어째 해야 해요?"라며 어리둥절해 했다.What should I do?" he said puzzledly.

이어 "출산하고 딱 한 번 생리통 비스무리한 거 온 적 있었다가 요 몇 년 간 조용했거든요."I've only had a menstrual pain once since I gave birth, and I've been quiet for the past few years. 진짜 지옥이네요.It's really hell. 울 엄마는 생리통 유전자 준 적 없다는데..."라고 했다.My mother said she had never given me a gene for menstrual pain."

생각지도 못한 고통에 유깻잎은 놀랐지만 이내 유머로 승화시켜 공감을 자아냈다.The unexpected pain surprised the perilla leaf, but soon sublimated it into humor and drew sympathy.

유깻잎은 "망할 생리통 곱게 안가서 언니들이 공유해준 방법으로 약 먹고 찜질하고...The perilla leaves said, "I don't go to my menstrual cramps that I'm going to ruin, so I'll take medicine and apply it in the way my sisters shared it... 생리통 님께서 이제야 제 갈 길을 가셨나봅니다."Fan ID" must have finally gone her own way. 재방문 사절이여.Please don't visit again. 다시는 오지 마세요.Please don't come again. 님 같은 손님 안 받아요"라고 정색했다.I don't accept customers like you."

한편 유깻잎은 전남편 최고기와 TV조선 '우리 이혼했어요'에 출연하며 얼굴을 알렸다.Meanwhile, Yuke Leaf made her face known by appearing on TV Chosun's "We Got Divorced" with her ex-husband's best period. 이후 유깻잎은 중학교 동창과 공개 열애 중임을 밝혔다.Later, he revealed that he was in an open relationship with his junior high school friend. 거기에 최근 최고기 역시 만난지 1년이 된 여자친구가 있다며 공개한 바 있다..He recently revealed that he also has a girlfriend who has been dating for a year.

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