“기초생활수급자→회사 세워 억대 매출” 종이비행기 국대 성공기(유퀴즈)[결정적장면]"Basic Livelihood Recipient → Established a company and sold hundreds of millions of dollars" Paper Plane National University Success Story (Yu Quiz) [Critical Scene]

[뉴스엔 서유나 기자] 종이비행기 회사를 세워 억대 매출을 내고 있는 이정욱 선수의 성공기가 뭉클함을 줬다.[Reporter Seo Yuna on the news] Lee Jung-wook's success story, who has established a paper airplane company and is generating hundreds of millions of won in sales, touched my heart.

2월 15일 방송된 tvN 예능 '유 퀴즈 온 더 블럭'(이하 '유퀴즈') 181회 '비상' 특집에는 종이비행기 선수 3인 김영준, 이승훈, 이정욱 선수가 출연했다.The 181st "Emergency" special episode of tvN's entertainment show "You Quiz on the Block" (hereinafter referred to as "You Quiz") aired on February 15 featured three paper airplane players, Kim Young-joon, Lee Seung-hoon and Lee Jung-wook.

이날 세 선수는 국내 종이비행기 선수가 자신들 단 3명뿐이라며 "전 세계에서도 종이비행기로 먹고사는 사람은 저희 3명에 2명 더?On this day, the three players said, "There are only three domestic paper airplane players," adding, "Two more of us live on paper planes in the world?" 전 세계 5명(정도뿐일 것)"이라고 밝혔다.There are probably only about five people in the world." 유재석은 '먹고산다'는 생계의 문제가 나온 만큼 어떻게 생계를 유지하는지 물었다.Yoo Jae-seok asked how to make a living as there was a livelihood problem of "eating and living." 이에 선수들은 "각지에서 대회를 열고 싶어 하는 곳이 많다.In response, the players said, "There are many places that want to hold competitions in various places. 대회 컨설팅 운영이나, 학교와 기업에서 종이비행기를 알려주며 교구를 만들어 주고 있다"고 밝혔다."We are running competition consulting and schools and companies are teaching us paper airplanes and making teaching aids."

수입은 상상 이상.The income is beyond imagination. "생계를 유지하는 걸 넘어선 지 좀 됐고 (현재는) 7명이 회사를 꾸려가고 있다"고."It's been a while since I've been beyond maintaining my livelihood, and (now) seven people are running a company," he said. 연 매출은 억대였다.Annual sales amounted to hundreds of millions. 이정욱 선수는 "그정도를 넘어 올해 내년쯤 되면 더 뛰어넘을 수 있지 않을까 한다"고 희망적 소식을 전했다.Player Lee Jung-wook delivered hopeful news, saying, "I think I will be able to surpass that much by next year or so this year."

이런 세 선수의 전공은 서로 크게 공통점이 없었다.The majors of these three players had nothing in common with each other. 각각 체육교육학과, 전자전기공학과, 신문방송학과였다.They majored in physical education, electronic electrical engineering, and newspaper broadcasting, respectively. 2015년 국가대표 선발전을 통해 만난 이들은 세계대회에서의 경험이 너무 즐거워I met them through the 2015 national team selection, and I really enjoyed their experience in the world tournament. 함께 회사를 설립하기에 이르렀다.Together, we started a company.

이때 신문방송학과 출신의 이정욱 선수는 "저는 다큐멘터리 PD를 3년간 준비하며 언론고시를 준비했다.At this time, Lee Jung-wook, a graduate of the Department of Newspaper Broadcasting, said, "I prepared for the press exam by preparing for a documentary PD for three years. 원래 제가 어릴 때 형편이 어려운 편이라 복지 개선이나 동물들의 이야기를 다루어보려 했는데 졸업하던 때 종이비행기 세계 대회가 열린다고 해서 언론고시를 포기하고 나간 게 시작이었다"고 밝혀 눈길을 끌었다."When I was young, I was going to talk about improving welfare or animals because I was in a difficult situation, but when I graduated, I gave up on the media notice and went out to talk about the world competition for paper airplanes," he said.

유재석은 "하고자 하는 일이 있는데 비행기 대회를 준비한다는 게 상식적으로…Yoo Jae-seok said, "I have something I want to do, but it's common sense to prepare for an airplane competition..."라며 갑자기 종이비행기 대회를 준비하게 된 이유를 궁금해했다."I was wondering why I suddenly started preparing for the paper airplane competition.

그는 "제가 원래 집이 어려웠다.He said, "I used to have a hard time at home. 기초생활수급자였다.He was a recipient of basic living. 공장에서 초6 때부터 일을 했다.I've been working at the factory since 6th grade. 이미 대학생 때 알바 경력만, 생계 전선에 뛰어든 게 16년이 됐다.It has already been 16 years since I entered the front line of livelihood and part-time work experience when I was a college student. 졸업쯤이 되어서 하루에 15시간씩 알바를 하면서 학교를 다녔는데 이제는 1년이라도 내가 진짜 재밌어 하는 일, 옛날같으면 될만한 일을 찾았다면 이제는 좋아하는 일이 되게끔 만들어야겠다 (생각을 했다).Around graduation, I worked 15 hours a day to go to school, but now even for a year, I thought that if I had found something that I really enjoyed and could have done in the past, I should make it my favorite thing now. 누가 보기엔 철없게 뛰어들었다"고 말했다.He jumped in like a child."

종이비행기를 좋아하게 된 데에도 사연이 있었다.There was also a story behind how I came to like paper airplanes. 이정욱 선수는 "제가 원래 무연고 아동이었다가 입양이 됐는데 입양된 집에서 벌어오는 돈을 취미활동에 쓰거나 안 주셨다.Player Lee Jung-wook said, "I was originally an unrelated child and adopted, but they used or didn't give me the money earned from the adopted house for hobbies. 고2때 완전히 집에서 나와 독립을 했다.When I was a junior in high school, I completely left home and became independent. 잘 데가 없으니까 학교에 책상을 붙여놓고 자고 그랬다"고 회상했다.I had no place to sleep, so I put up a desk at school and slept."

이어 "인생에 살면서 뭐하나 내 맘대로 되는 일이 하나도 없었다.Then he said, "Nothing in my life went my way. 왜 나는 어렵게 태어나 어렵게 살고 있나.Why am I born with difficulties and living with difficulties? 내 마음대로 접어서 날릴 수 있던 유일한 게 종이비행기였다.The only thing I could fold and fly at will was a paper airplane. 집은 너무 어려웠고 할만한 놀이가 없었는데 그때 당시 RC비행기, 드론이 너무 부러웠다.The house was too difficult and there was no play to do, but I was so envious of RC airplanes and drones at that time. 종이비행기라면 내가 돈이 없지만 A4용지로도 할 수 있을까 해서 시작했는데 그게 제게 5g 무게밖에 나가지 않는 삶의 지팡이이지 않았을까 (싶다)"고 털어놓아 뭉클함을 자아냈다.I started because I thought I didn't have money for a paper plane, but I thought I could do it with A4 paper, but I think it would have been a cane for life that weighed only 5 grams," he confessed, creating a sense of emotion.

이정욱 선수는 사업에 대해서 "두 명에게 선언했다.Regarding the business, Lee Jung-wook said, "I declared to the two. 1년 동안 사업을 키워볼 테니 월금을 줄 만큼 괜찮으면 함께하자. 하니면 (이승훈 선수는) 한전 가고 (김영준 선수는) 체육교사가 되자.I'm going to grow my business for a year, so let's be together if it's okay enough to give me Monday and Friday. Hani Myeon (Lee Seung-hoon) goes to KEPCO and (Kim Young-joon) becomes a physical education teacher. 1년 안에 수입이 괜찮게 살아졌다.Within a year, my income went well. '이 정도면 같이 키워볼 만하겠다'(고 해서 같이 하고 있다)"고 전했다."I'm doing it together because I thought it would be worth raising them together," he said. (사진=tvN '유 퀴즈 온 더 블럭' 캡처)(Photo =tvN "You Quiz on the Block" capture)
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