[뉴스엔 서유나 기자] 먹방 크리에이터 쯔양이 엄청난 먹성을 자랑했다.[Reporter Seo Yuna on the news] Eating show creator Tzuyu showed off her great appetite.
2월 25일 방송된 JTBC 예능 '아는 형님'(이하 '아형') 372회에서는 김계란, 심으뜸, 슈카, 쯔양이 게스트로 출연했다.In the 372nd episode of JTBC's entertainment show Knowing Brothers (hereinafter referred to as "Knowing Bros"), which aired on February 25, Kim Gyeran, Shim Euddeum, Shuka, and Tzuyang appeared as guests.
약 774만 명의 구독자를 보유한 쯔양은 이날 유명해진 첫 계기를 묻자 "4년 정도 됐는데 한 달 정도 됐을 때 라면을 14개를 먹었다"고 말해 모두를 놀라게 했다.When asked why she became famous for the first time with about 7.74 million subscribers, Tzu-yang surprised everyone by saying, "It's been about four years, but I ate 14 ramen about a month." 라면 6봉지를 먹는 것으로 형님들 사이 대식가로 통하는 강호동도 "6봉으로 만족해선 안 되겠다"며 감탄할 정도였다.Kang Ho-dong, who is known as a big eater among his brothers by eating six bags of ramen, was also impressed, saying, "I shouldn't be satisfied with six bags." 김희철은 "처음엔 아무도 안 들어오고 그랬다"면서 쯔양의 무명 시절을 언급했다.Heechul Kim said, "At first, no one came in," referring to Tzu-yang's days of obscurity. 이에 쯔양은 "처음에 먹으려고 하는데 아무도 없어서 4분 동안 먹지 못하고 (시청자가 들어오길) 기다렸다"며 시청자 두 명으로 시작했던 시절을 회상했다.In response, Tzuyu recalled the days when she started with two viewers, saying, "I was trying to eat at first, but no one was there, so I couldn't eat for four minutes (for viewers to come in)." 그러다 "라면 14개를 어쩌다 먹게 됐는데 그날 시청자가 1400명이 들어왔다"고.Then, "I happened to eat 14 ramen, and 1,400 viewers came in that day."
쯔양은 먹방 시작 전을 묻자 "(그때도) 많이 먹긴 했는데 그땐 많이 먹어도 한 8봉지"였다며 "처음에 8개에서 10개 정도 먹으려 했는데 점점 시청자가 많이 들어오더라.When Tzu-yang asked before the start of the eating show, she said, "I ate a lot (at that time), but even if I ate a lot, I was going to eat about 8 to 10 bags at first, but more and more viewers were coming in. 탄력 받아서 방송을 하다 보니 20봉지까지 먹을 수 있게 되더라"고 밝혔다.As I broadcast with the flexibility, I was able to eat up to 20 bags." 쯔양은 라면 최대 기록으로 "20봉까지 먹어봤다"고 말했다.Tzu-yang said, "I've eaten up to 20 bags of ramen."
강호동이 "상상을 할 수 없는데"라며 위기의식을 드러내느 가운데 쯔양은 "거기다가 음료수 큰 걸로 3, 4병은 먹었을 것"이라고 덧붙인 데 이어, 고기를 제일 많이 먹었을 땐 "한 4㎏"를 먹었다고 자랑했다.While Kang Ho-dong expressed a sense of crisis, saying, "I can't imagine," Tzu-yang added, "I would have had three or four bottles of large drinks there," and boasted that he had eaten "about 4 kilograms" when he ate the most meat.

쯔양은 "위 내시경을 해봤는데 위는 보통 사람과 똑같다더라.Tzu-yang said, "I tried a gastroscopy, and the stomach is the same as the average person. 신축성도 좀 좋은데 소화도 엄청 빨라서 먹자마자 소화가 금방 된다.The elasticity is a little good, but the digestion is also very fast, so you can digest it as soon as you eat it. 운동은 사실 안 한다.I don't actually exercise. 나도 배부른 때가 있는데 10분 20분이면 금방 없어진다"고 말했다.There are times when I'm full, but it disappears in 10 to 20 minutes."
강호동은 나름의 대식가로서 "어릴 때 부모님이 너무 먹으니까 '너 그러다 소 된다'고 했던 말이 기억난다"면서 쯔양의 경우 비슷한 말을 들어본 적 없는지 궁금해 했다.Kang Ho-dong, as a big eater of his own, said, "I remember you saying 'You'll end up becoming a cow' because your parents ate too much when you were young," and wondered if she had heard similar words in the case of Tzu-yang. 이에 쯔양은 "나도 초등학생 때 뷔페에 가면 메밀국수 같은 걸 6그릇 쌓아 먹고 그랬다.In response, Ms. Tzu said, "When I was in elementary school, I used to eat six bowls of buckwheat noodles at a buffet. 할머니가 손이 진짜 크셨는데 그걸 음식을 다 먹어서 엄마에게 되게 많이 혼났다.My grandmother had really big hands, but my mother scolded me a lot for eating all the food. '그만 좀 먹으라'는 소리를 항상 들었다"고 고백했다."I've always been told to stop eating," he confessed.
쯔양은 햄버거는 최대 몇 개 먹어봤냐는 말에 "많이 못 먹어봤는데 21개 정도"라고 답해 다시 한 번 모두를 놀라게 했다.When asked how many hamburgers she had tried, Tzu-yang once again surprised everyone by answering, "I haven't tried a lot, but about 21." 쯔양에게 평소 어머니가 해주는 밥과 된장찌개는 애피타이저 정도였다.For Tzu-yang, her mother's usual rice and soybean paste stew were like appetizers. 쯔양은 '소는 키워도 쯔양은 못 키워'라는 문구로 지역 신문에 났던 경험을 전해 웃음을 자아냈다.Tzu-yang drew laughter by telling the experience of appearing in a local newspaper with the phrase, "Even if you raise cows, you can't raise Tzu-yang drew laughter.
쯔양은 "방송하고 나서 오히려 살이 많이 빠졌다.Tzu said, "I lost a lot of weight after the show. 원래는 50㎏ 초반이었는데 40㎏대까지 빠졌다"고 털어놓았다."It was originally in the early 50kg range, but I lost up to 40kg."
또 배달 어플이 언급되자 "1년중 가장 많이 쓰는 게 배달 음식비다.In addition, when the delivery app was mentioned, delivery food expenses are the most used of the year. 포인트가 40만 가량 쌓였다"면서 그러려면 4천만 원 정도 먹어야 하는 것 아니냐는 말에 "그 이상"이라고 답해 입을 쩍 벌리게 만들었다.About 400,000 points have been accumulated," he replied, "More than that," when asked if he had to eat about 40 million won to do so, making him open his mouth wide open.
이런 쯔양은 부모님이 걱정하실까 봐 먹방 하는 것을 "부모님에게 끝까지 말 안 하려 했다"고 밝혔다.Tzu-yang, like this, said, "I didn't want to tell my parents until the end," that she was doing an eating show in case her parents were worried. 다만 "(구독자가) 50만 정도 되니까 엄마가 눈치를 채셨다"며 "전화가 와 우시더라.However, "My mom noticed (the subscriber) was about 500,000," adding, "I got a call and cried." 마음이 아팠다"고 떠올렸다.It was heartbreaking." 그래도 쯔양은 지금은 "방송 안 하면 '무슨 일 있냐'고 연락이 온다.But now, Tzu-yang says, "If I don't do the broadcast, I get a call saying, 'What's wrong?' 요즘은 오히려 적게 먹으면 더 걱정하신다"고 달라진 어머니의 반응을 전해 유쾌함을 안겼다.These days, if you eat less, you'll be more worried," she said, expressing her changed mother's response. (사진=JTBC '아는 형님' 캡처)(Photo = JTBC's "Knowing Bros" capture)