김지혜 “두 딸, 키보다 돌출입 걱정‥♥박준형 시력+평발까지 유전”(살림남2)Kim Ji-hye "Two daughters, worried about protruding mouth than height ♥♥ Park Jun-hyung's vision + flat feet inheritance" (Housekeeping man 2)

[뉴스엔 이하나 기자] 김지혜가 두 딸이 남편 박준형의 단점까지 물려 받았다고 폭로했다.[News N reporter Lee Ha-na] Kim Ji-hye revealed that her two daughters inherited the shortcomings of her husband Park Joon-hyung.

2월 4일 방송된 KBS 2TV ‘살림하는 남자들 시즌2’에서는 급격한 키 성장으로 성장통을 겪고 있는 홍성흔 아들 홍화철의 모습이 공개 됐다.KBS 2TV's "Men in House Season 2," which aired on February 4, revealed Hong Hwa-chul, the son of Hong Sung-heun, who is suffering from growing pains due to rapid height growth.

실내 연습장에서 아들들의 연습을 지켜보던 홍성흔 부부와 학부모들은 아이들의 키를 주제로 이야기를 나눴다.Hong Sung-heun and his parents, who were watching their sons practice at the indoor practice room, talked about the children's height. 또래들 중에서도 유독 키가 큰 홍화철 모습에 학부모들은 키 성장 비결을 물었고, 홍성흔은 “크기 시작하니까 먹기 시작하더라.Parents asked about the secret of growing tall Hong Hwa-chul, who was especially tall among their peers, and Hong Sung-heun said, "I started eating because I started to grow taller. 하루에 7~8끼씩 먹는다”라고 말했고, 김정임은 “아기 때는 엄청 일찍 재웠고 지금도 11시에는 자라고 한다.I eat seven to eight meals a day," said Kim Jung-im, and she said, "When I was a baby, I went to bed very early, and I still go to bed at 11 o'clock. 근데 요즘은 잠을 잘 못 자더라”고 말했다.But I haven't been able to sleep much lately."

학부모들은 성장판 등을 확인하기 위해 성장클리닉, 한의원을 추천했다.Parents recommended growth clinics and oriental medicine clinics to check their growth plates. 홍성흔은 “요즘 들어서 계속 무릎, 발목이 아프다고 해서 꾀병 피우는가 했는데 걱정이 된다”라며 성장통을 확인하기 위해 아들을 데리고 한의원을 가기로 했다.Hong Sung-heun decided to take his son to an oriental medicine clinic to check his growing pain, saying, "These days, I was worried if he was faking the disease because he has been suffering from knee and ankle pain."

영상을 지켜보던 박준형, 김지혜 부부도 성장 검사에 대해 이야기 했다.Park Joon-hyung and Kim Ji-hye, who were watching the video, also talked about the growth test. 김지혜는 “저희는 박준형 씨 키가 워낙 크니까 딸들 키 걱정은 안 했다”라면서도 “대신 안면 교정 클리닉을 다녔다.Kim Ji-hye said, "We didn't worry about the height of Park Joon-hyung's daughters because he was so tall," but added, "We went to a facial correction clinic instead." 입이 앞으로 못 튀어나오게 했다.I couldn't keep my mouth shut. 박준형 씨가 눈이 진짜 나빠서 뺑뺑이 안경을 쓴다.Park Joon-hyung has really bad eyes, so he wears hit-and-run glasses. 근데 애들이 눈이 다 나쁘다.But all the kids have bad eyes. 그리고 박준형 씨를 닮아서 평발도 있다.He also resembles Park Joon-hyung and has flat feet. 평발 클리닉을 다녔다”라고 폭로했다.I went to a flat-footed clinic."

(사진=KBS 2TV '살림하는 남자들 시즌2' 캡처)(Photo = Captured KBS 2TV's "Guys Living Season 2")
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