[뉴스엔 서유나 기자] 손나은이 못마땅한 재벌 친구에게 일침을 가했다.[Reporter Seo Yuna on the news] Son Na-eun scolded a dissatisfied chaebol friend.
1월 28일 방송된 JTBC 토일드라마 '대행사'(극본 송수한, 연출 이창민) 7회에서는 재벌 친구들과 친목 자리를 갖는 강한나(손나은 분)의 모습이 그려졌다.In the seventh episode of JTBC's Saturday and Sunday drama "Agency" (written by Song Soo-han, directed by Lee Chang-min), which aired on January 28, Kang Han-na (Son Na-eun) was depicted having a social gathering with chaebol friends.
이날 강한나는 친구들과 모여 술을 마시다가 친구이자 앙숙 김서정(정예빈 분)과 어김없이 기싸움을 했다.On this day, Kang Han-na gathered with her friends and had a fight with her friend, Kim Seo-jung (Jeong Ye-bin). 김서정은 먼저 강한나에게 자신이 곧 있으면 강한수(조복래 분)과 결혼해 새언니가 되지 않냐며 술을 따르라 시켰다.Kim Seo-jung first asked Kang Han-na to pour alcohol, saying, "Don't you think you'll marry Kang Han-soo (Cho Bok-rae) soon and become a new sister?"

강한나가 화를 꾹 누르는 가운데 옆에 있던 친구는 "니들은 정말 끊임없이 싸운다.While Kang Han-na was pressing down on her anger, a friend next to her said, "You guys really fight constantly. 한일 관계도 간혹 좋을 때도 있다.Relations between Korea and Japan are sometimes good. 가끔은 좀 좋게 지내자"고 둘 사이에 끼어들었다.Let's get along better from time to time," they interrupting.
이에 강한나는 타깃을 돌려 끼어든 친구를 향해 "말하는 게 역시 친일파 후손답다"고 일침, 버럭하는 친구를 "너네 할아버지 조선총독부에 비행기 헌납했잖나.In response, Kang Han-na said to a friend who turned the target around and intervened, "It's like a descendant of pro-Japanese group," and said, "You donated an airplane to your grandfather, the Governor-General of Joseon." 그렇게 사업해서 재벌된 거고"라고 팩트로 꼬집었다.That's how I became a conglomerate."
이때 다른 친구는 그냥 한 잔 따라주고 말라고 말을 더했고, 강한나는 갑자기 생각을 바꿔 "하긴, 광고주님인데 한 잔 따라줘야겠네"라며 와인병을 들고 김서정의 잔을 채워줬다.At this time, another friend added, "Just pour me a drink and don't," and Kang Han-na suddenly changed her mind and filled Kim Seo-jung's glass with a wine bottle, saying, "Well, I'm an advertiser, so I should pour you a drink."
다만 강한나는 마치 제사를 지내듯 술잔에 술을 3번 나눠 따르며 김서정을 물먹였다.However, Kang Han-na poured alcohol into a glass three times as if she were performing a ritual, watering Kim Seo-jeong. 그러곤 "쭉 드시라.Then he said, "Keep eating. 돌아가신 조상님 받들듯 한 잔 올렸다"고 약올려 웃음을 안겼다.I drank a cup as if I were supporting my late ancestors," he said with a smile. (사진=JTBC '대행사' 캡처)(Photo = Capturing JTBC's Agency)