[스포츠조선닷컴 김수현기자] 배우 양미라가 두 아이 육아 현실을 보여줬다.Actress Yang Mi-ra showed the reality of raising two children.
28일 양미라는 "잘 자고 있는 혜아를 깨웠구나.On the 28th, Yang Mi-ra said, "You woke up Hye-ah who was sleeping well. 하. 하. 하"라 했다.Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha."
양미라는 잘 자고 있는 동생 혜아를 깨우고 손을 붙들은 아들을 보며 너털 웃음을 지었다.Yang Mi-ra woke up her sleeping brother Hye-ah and smiled as she saw her son holding her hand.
평화로운 주말, 이제 막 자는 딸을 두고 잠시 쉬려는 엄마의 마음을 아는지 모르는지 아들은 동생과 놀고 싶어 하는 귀여운 오빠였지만 정작 엄마 양미라는 평화가 깨져 웃음을 자아냈다.On a peaceful weekend, the son was a cute older brother who wanted to play with his younger brother, perhaps knowing the mother's mind to rest for a while with her sleeping daughter, but the peace of her mother, Yang Mi, was broken and made people laugh.
한편 양미라는 지난 2018년 2세 연상의 사업가와 결혼해 슬하에 1남, 1녀를 두고 있다.Meanwhile, Yang Mi-ra married a businessman two years older in 2018 and has one son and one daughter.