[어게인TV]'데스매치' 황영웅→남승민 생존...[Again TV] "Death Match" Hwang Hero → Nam Seungmin is alive...신성·손태진 등 눈물의 '탈락' (불타는트롯맨)Shinsung, Son Tae-jin, etc. Tears Fall Out (Burning Trotman)

MBN '불타는 트롯맨'MBN's "Burning Trotman".

[헤럴드POP=정은진기자]'불타는트롯맨' 3회 방송에서 '데스매치' 가 진행 되어 많은 가수들이 대거 탈락하였다.[Herald Pop = Reporter Jung Eun-jin] "Death Match" was held in the third episode of "Burning Trotman", and many singers were eliminated.

지난 3일 방송된 MBN '불타는 트롯맨'에서는 '팀 데스매치'를 하여, 이긴 팀은 전원 생존, 진 팀은 전원 탈락하는 치열한 대결이 펼쳐졌다.MBN's Burning Trotman, which aired on the 3rd, had a "team death match," in which all the winning teams survived and all the losing teams were eliminated.

첫 데스매치는 트롯레인저 (이하평 김중연 강훈 박준호 정다한) 와 삼인용 (오송 황준 손태진)의 대결로 진행되었다.The first death match was a showdown between Trot Rangers (Lee Ha-pyeong, Kim Joong-yeon, Kang Hoon, Park Joon-ho, Jung Da-han) and Sam In-yong (Oh Song, Hwang Joon, Son Tae-jin). 트롯레인저는 나훈아의 신곡 '체인지'를 화려한 안무와 함께 선보였다.Trot Ranger presented Na Hoon-ah's new song "Change" with colorful choreography. 특히 정다한은 '아크로바틱' 독무를 선보여 주목받았다.In particular, Jung Da-han drew attention for his solo dance of "Acrobatics." 평소 정다한과 친분이 있는 가수 신유는 "정다한씨가 트롯계 몸치 1위인데" 라고 농을 던지며, 그럼에도 불구하고 안무를 선보인 정다한의 열정을 칭찬했다.Singer Shin Yu, who is usually close to Jung Da-han, jokingly said, "Jung Da-han is the No. 1 player in the trot world," and nevertheless praised Jung Da-han's passion for showing the choreography. 이지혜는 "트롯레인저 팀 보고 기절하는줄 알았어요" 라며 극찬했고, 박현빈 또한 "체인지라는 노래가 트롯레인저 본인들 노래인 줄 알았다" 며 놀라워했다.Lee Ji-hye praised, saying, "I thought I was going to faint when I saw the Trot Rangers team," and Park Hyun-bin was also surprised, saying, "I thought the song called Change was their song."

이어 손태진이 속한 '삼인용'이 나서자 심사위원단은 "이 팀 엄청 부담스럽겠다" 고 수군거렸다.Then, when Son Tae-jin's "three-in-one" stepped up, the judges whispered, "This team must be very burdensome." '삼인용'은 연습 중 코로나와 감기 몸살에 시달리면서도 멋지게 김승덕의 '정주지 않으리'를 소화해냈다."Three In-yong" performed Kim Seung-deok's "I won't settle down" beautifully while suffering from COVID-19 and a cold during practice. 하지만 바로 앞에 강렬한 무대를 선보였던 트롯레인저를 뛰어넘지 못하고 탈락하고 말았다.However, he failed to surpass Trot Ranger, who showed an intense performance right in front of him, and was eliminated. 이로써 이모할머니 심수봉과 조카 손주 손태진의 조우는 물거품이 되고 말았다.As a result, the encounter between aunt grandmother Shim Soo-bong and nephew Son Tae-jin was ruined.

두 번째로 대결을 가진 팀은 예선에서 1, 2위를 다툰 신성과 황영웅이 속한 팀이었다.The second team to compete was the team with Shin Sung and Hwang Young-woong, who competed for first and second place in the preliminary round. 황영웅의 팀은 '개띠클럽'으로 94년생 동갑내기 민수현, 장동열, 태백이 멤버로 참여했으며, 신성 팀의 팀명은'영웅본색'으로 최성, 최현상, 한강이 멤버였다.Hwang Young-woong's team was a "dog club" in which Min Soo-hyun, Jang Dong-yeol, and Taebaek, who were born in 1994, participated as members, and Choi Sung, Choi Hyun-sang, and Han River were members of the Shinseong team. 황영웅 팀은 곡 선정 게임에서 처음부터 원했던 나훈아의 '영영'을 골랐으나, 중간 심사에서 "보컬 특색이 느껴지지 않는다" 는 평을 받고 고전하는 모습을 보였다.Hwang Young-woong's team chose Na Hoon-ah's "Young-young" that they wanted from the beginning in the song selection game, but they struggled with the mid-term evaluation saying, "I don't feel any vocal characteristics." 한편 신성 팀은 곡 선정 게임에서 제일 피하고 싶었던 현철의 '싫다 싫어'를 선택하고 말았다.Meanwhile, the Shinseong team chose Hyun-chul's "No, No," which they wanted to avoid the most in the song selection game. 이들은 EDM 편곡을 시도했으나, 역시 중간 심사에서 혹평을 듣고 EDM은 빼 버렸다.They tried to arrange EDM, but they also heard harsh criticism in the interim review and excluded EDM.

실제 대결에서 심사위원단은 황영웅이 속한 '개띠클럽'의 손을 들어주었다.In the actual showdown, the judges ruled in favor of the Dog Club, which includes Hwang Young-woong. 이석훈은 "편곡, 호흡 다 좋았다" 며 이들의 노래를 칭찬했다.Lee Seok-hoon praised their songs, saying, "Both the arrangement and breathing were good." 이로써 신성은 탈락의 고배를 마시고 말았다.As a result, the Shinsung suffered a setback.

또한 안율, 홍성원 등 어린 트로트 샛별들이 대거 속해 있던 ‘전국구보이즈’ 는 성인 남성의 섹시미를 뿜어낸 에녹, 춘길, 이승환의 '짬바' 팀에 패배해 탈락하고 말았다.In addition, "National Gu Boys," which included a large number of young trot stars such as Ahn Yul and Hong Sung-won, was eliminated after losing to Enoch, Chun-gil, and Lee Seung-hwan's "Jamba" team, which exuded sexiness of adult men. 국악 전공자 조주한의 주도로 '최진사댁 셋째딸'을 선보인 '오복성 (고동재 김은결 박민호 윤대근) 역시 '보고 싶다"Oh Bok-sung (Go Dong-jae, Kim Eun-gye, Park Min-ho, Yoon Dae-geun), who introduced "The Third Daughter of Choi Jin-sa's House" led by Cho Joo-han, a Korean traditional music major, also said, "I miss you." 내 사랑'을 선보인 '불사조' (최윤하 전종혁 조영서 홍성연 김재선) 팀에 밀려 탈락하고 말았다.I was eliminated by the "Phoenix" team (Choi Yoon-ha, Jeon Jong-hyuk, Cho Young-seo, Hong Sung-yeon, Kim Jae-sun), which introduced "My Love." 특히 '불사조'의 멤버 전종혁은 전직 축구선수라고 하기에는 믿기지 않는 가창력과 댄스를 선보여 극찬받았다.In particular, Jeon Jong-hyuk, a member of the "Phoenix," was praised for his incredible singing and dancing skills to be called a former soccer player.

이날 방송의 마지막 대결은 '트롯남친'(공훈 오혜빈 김정민 박민수)과' 뽕끼왕성'(이수호 김태수 남승민)의 대결이었는데.The last match of the broadcast was between "Trot Boyfriend" (Communist Oh Hye-bin, Kim Jung-min, Park Min-soo) and "Pongki Wangseong" (Lee Soo-ho, Kim Tae-soo, and Nam Seung-min). '뽕끼왕성'이 승리의 영예를 안았다."Ppongki Castle" was honored with victory. 신성과 박민수가 탈락하면서 예선 TOP3 중에서는 황영웅만 살아남았다.With Shin Sung and Park Min-soo eliminated, only Hwang Young-woong survived among the top three preliminary rounds.

한 치 앞도 알 수 없는 전개가 펼쳐지는 MBN '불타는 트롯맨'은 매주 화요일 밤 9시 40분 방송된다.MBN's Burning Trotman, which unfolds an unknown development, airs every Tuesday night at 9:40 p.m.

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