남편 친구의 성희롱..Sexual harassment of a husband's friend...옆에서 남편은 방관?Is your husband sitting by? 어긋한 부부관계 그 후 ('당결안')After the gentle marital relationship ('party resolution')

[OSEN=김수형 기자]   ‘끝장부부 합숙소 당결안’에서 남편 친구에게 성희롱을 당했던 아내가 그려졌다.[OSEN = Reporter Kim Soo-hyung] A wife who was sexually harassed by her husband's friend was depicted in "The Last Couple's Camp Decision." 결국 남편이 용기를 내어 뒤늦게 사과를 받아냈다.Eventually, her husband plucked up courage and belatedly accepted her apology.  

3일 방송된 SBS 플러스 ‘끝장부부 합숙소 당결안(당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까)’에서 종현과 지연 부부 모습이 그려졌다.Jonghyun and Ji-yeon were depicted in SBS Plus' Party Resolution at the end of the couple's camp (how is your marriage) aired on the 3rd.

연애 3개월만에 결혼을 결심했다는 두 사람.They decided to get married after three months of dating. 하지만 이제 아내는 “남편과 살고 있어도 외롭다, 왜 내 마음을 공감하지 못하고 이해 못하는지 모르겠다”며 서운한 마음을 드러냈다.However, now the wife expressed her disappointment, saying, "I'm lonely even if I live with my husband, and I don't know why I don't understand and sympathize with my heart."

그러면서 아내는 “무조건적인 사랑을 주는 사람, 엄마가 떠오른다”며 눈물, 지금은 친정어머니의 빈자리를 느낀 모습.In the meantime, the wife cried, saying, "I think of my mother, who gives unconditional love," and now she feels the absence of her mother. 20살 이른 나이에 친정어머니와 사별했던 것이었다.At the early age of 20, she died with her mother. 눈물흘리는 아내 모습에 남편 종현은 “아내가 짠하다”며 울컥, 그런 아내를 다독였다.His husband, Jong-hyun, said, "I feel sorry for my wife," and comforted her.

재결합 후 부부관계를 물었다.After reuniting, I asked about the marital relationship. 남편은 아내에 대해 “성질도 한결같아, 불같은 성격”이라며 “오히려 나는 반대”라며 감정표현에 어려운 모습을 보였다.The husband showed difficulty in expressing his feelings about his wife, saying, "He has the same temperament, so he has a fiery personality," adding, "I'm rather against it." 알고보니 어린시절부터 감정표현을 잘 못하고 자라왔던 것.It turns out that he has been growing up with poor emotional expression since childhood. 가부장적인 아버지 밑에서 보낸 유년시절 아픔이었다.It was a childhood pain spent under his patriarchal father.

특히 어젯밤 아내에게 성희롱한 친구에게 전화를 해 정식으로 사과하라고 말하겠다는 남편은“몇년간 연락두절한 친구, 어떻게 해야하나”라며 머릿속이 복잡해진 듯 수첩을 꺼냈다.In particular, the husband, who said he would call a friend who sexually harassed his wife last night and tell her to officially apologize, took out his notebook as if he had become complicated, saying, "A friend who has been out of touch for years, what should I do?" 이어 친구에게 할말 을 차분히 적어내려갔다.Then, I calmly wrote down what I wanted to say to my friend.

이후 친구와 연락이 닿은 모습.Since then, he has been in touch with his friends. 부부관계가 어긋난 시작이 바로 친구의 성희롱 발언이었던 것.The start of the marital relationship was sexual harassment remarks made by a friend.남편은 “난임치료하던 아내가 수치심을 느낄만한 발언으로 기분이 좋지 않았다The husband said, "My wife who was treating infertility was in a bad mood because of the shameful remarks." 내가 남편으로 정확하게 하지말라고 말을 못 했다”며 차분하게 친구와 대화를 이어갔다.I couldn't tell her not to do it exactly as her husband," he said calmly.

힘겹게 통화를 마친 남편은 “오늘 용기를 많이 냈다, 거의 7년 만에 친구에게 연락한 것”이라며 “친구는 전혀 기억 못하지만 진심으로 미안하다고 전해달라더라”며 사과를 받아냈다.My husband, who had a hard time on the phone, said, "I had a lot of courage today, I contacted my friend for the first time in almost seven years," and received an apology, saying, "I don't remember my friend at all, but he said he was sincerely sorry." 이어 바로 아내에게 이 사실을 전했고 아내도 “잘했다”며 고마워했다.He then immediately told his wife about this, and she thanked her, saying, "Good job." 아내는 “사과를 둘째치고 내 남편이 이제 한 걸음 뗐구나, 나에게 한 걸음 다가와줬구나 싶었다”며 고마운 마음을 전했다.My wife expressed her gratitude, saying, "I thought my husband took a step away from the apology, and he came a step closer to me."

한편 SBS 플러스 ‘끝장부부 합숙소 당결안(당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까)’은 각양각색의 갈등과 문제로 위기에 빠진 대한민국 부부들이 행복해지는 최성의 선택을 취한 최종점검을 그린 프로그램으로 매주 화요일 밤 10시에 방송된다.Meanwhile, SBS Plus' "How are you?" is a program depicting the final inspection of Choi Sung, who is in crisis due to various conflicts and problems, every Tuesday night.//

[사진] ‘끝장부부 합숙소 당결안’[PHOTO] "Decision for the Best Couple's Hostel."

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