[SC리뷰] 강남길 "14년만 이혼 후 3번 죽을 고비 넘겨…[SC Review] Gangnam-gil, "After 14 years of divorce, I've passed the crisis of dying three times..."子 자폐 경계"('당신참좋다')Children's Autism Boundaries ('You're so good')

[스포츠조선 백지은 기자] 배우 강남길이 파란만장한 인생사를 고백했다.[Sports Chosun reporter Baek Ji-eun] Actor Gangnam-gil confessed his turbulent life.

30일 방송된 MBN '당신 참 좋다'에서 강남길은 "갑작스럽게 큰일을 당해 영국에 가게 됐다.In MBN's "You're So Good," which aired on the 30th, Gangnam-gil said, "I was suddenly in a big trouble and went to England. 이성미 아니었으면 정말 큰일날 뻔 했다"고 운을 떼 눈길을 끌었다.If it wasn't for Lee Sung-mi, I would have been in big trouble."

강남길은 결혼 14년 만에 이혼, 아이들을 위해 한국을 떠나기로 했다.Gangnam-gil divorced after 14 years of marriage and decided to leave Korea for his children. 처음에는 미국에 가려고 했지만 아이들에게 영향이 갈까봐 이성미에게 고민상담을 했다고.At first, I tried to go to the U.S., but I consulted Lee Seong-mi because I was afraid it would affect my children. 그때 이성미가 영국에 있는 지인이 좋은 사람이라며 강남길에게도 정말 잘해줄 거라고 추천했다.At that time, Lee Sung-mi said her acquaintance in England was a good person and recommended that she would be really nice to Gangnam-gil. 이에 강남길은 바로 출국지를 미국에서 영국으로 변경했다.Accordingly, Gangnam-gil immediately changed its departure location from the United States to the United Kingdom.

하지만 아빠 혼자 아이 둘을 키운다는 게 쉽지는 않았다.However, it was not easy for a father to raise two children alone. 특히 사춘기 딸들에게 신체 변화가 찾아왔을 때는 정말 힘들었던 순간이었다.In particular, it was a really difficult moment when physical changes came to adolescent daughters. 강남길은 "가장 힘들었던 부분은 큰 딸의 초경 당시였다.Gangnam-gil said, "The hardest part was when my eldest daughter was in the country. 주변 아주머니들에게 어떻게 하냐고 물어 딸에게 꽃과 케이크를 선물하며 축하한다고 했더니 아이가 깜짝 놀랐다"며 "아들은 약간 강박증이 있었다.I asked the ladies around me what to do and said congratulations with flowers and cakes to my daughter, and the child was surprised," adding, "My son was a little obsessive." 조금만 발전하면 자폐증이 된다고 해서 고민이 많았다.I had a lot of worries because I heard that if I developed a little, I would become autism. 모든 물건의 각을 맞춰야 했는데 2년 정도 아들이 정리해 놓으면 내가 뒤접어 버리고 했더니 지금은 개차반"이라고 말했다.I had to set the angle of everything, but if my son had organized it for about two years, I would turn it upside down, and now I'm half broke."

심지어 죽을 고비도 3번이나 넘겼다.He even overcame the crisis three times. 강남길은 "41세에 심근경색이 왔다.Gangnam-gil said, "At the age of 41, I had a myocardial infarction. 골든타임이 3분인데 119가 와서 살았다.The golden time was three minutes, and 119 came to live. 49세에는 아이들을 데리러 영국에 가서 지인들과 골프를 쳤는데 삶은 달걀이 얹혔다 .At the age of 49, I went to England to pick up my children and played golf with my acquaintances, with boiled eggs on top.위에 실핏줄이 터져 목숨이 위태로웠다.The veins on his stomach burst and his life was in danger. 아이들도 울고 유언도 남겼다.The children cried and left their wills. 59세 때는 위가 함몰되는 문제가 생겼다"고 털어놨다.When I was 59, I had a problem with my stomach getting depressed."

이에 양희은은 30세 때 3개을 시한부 선고를 갖고 39세에 결혼 후 또 한번 수술을 하면서 아이를 갖지 못하게 된 기구한 사연을 털어놨고, 이성미도 암에 걸리고 복막염에 걸렸던 일을 공개했다.In response, Yang Hee-eun told the sad story of not being able to have children after getting married at the age of 39, and Lee Sung-mi also revealed that she had cancer and peritonitis.

백지은 기자 Reporter Baek Ji-eun:

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