'검사♥' 한지혜, 결국 가족에 "육아 힘들어 죽겠다고 토로""Prosecutor ♥" Han Ji-hye said to her family, "It's hard to raise a child."

[스포츠조선닷컴 정유나 기자] 배우 한지혜가 육아 고충을 토로했다.[Sports Chosun Dotcom reporter Jung Yoo-na] Actress Han Ji-hye expressed her difficulties in raising children.

한지혜는 "1일 2 외출, 나가야 한다.Han Ji-hye said, "I have to go out twice a day. 1일 2 외출 안하면 안 자는 18개월 슬이.If you don't go out twice a day, you'll sleep for 18 months. 너무 힘들어 죽겠다니까 안 죽는다고 걱정 말라는 친 언니..I told her that I was going to die because I was so tired that she told me not to worry.응"이라며 육아 고충을 전했다.Yes," he said, expressing his grievances about raising children.

이와 함께 한지혜는 딸과 외출 중인 모습을 공개해 눈길을 끌었다.At the same time, Han Ji-hye drew attention by revealing that she was out with her daughter.

앞서도 한지혜는 "18개월 재접근기인 윤슬이는 삼 일째 밤마다 깨서 비명 지르며 울고 거실로 나가자고 하고 한번 울면 잘 달래지지 않는다.Earlier, Han Ji-hye said, "Yoon Seul, an 18-month re-access machine, wakes up every third night, screams, cries, and asks to go out to the living room, but once she cries, it does not soothe her. 뽀로로 영상 잠깐 틀어주고 겨우 달래 재웠다.I played Pororo's video for a while and finally soothed him to sleep. 어제는 30~40분 간격으로 자다 깨서 울어서 한숨도 못 잤다.Yesterday, I woke up every 30 to 40 minutes and cried, so I couldn't sleep at all. 늦은 밤, 자지러지게 우는 아기에 어둠이 두려워지는 중"이라며 "요즘 부쩍 귀여운 행동을 많이 하고 애정 표현도 많이 해서 너무 귀여운데..."라고 힘든 육아에 대해 털어놓은 바 있다.Late at night, I'm afraid of the darkness due to a baby crying loudly. "These days, I've been doing a lot of cute things and expressing a lot of affection, so it's so cute," he confessed about hard parenting.

한편 한지혜는 지난 2010년 검사와 결혼해 슬하에 딸을 두고 있다.Meanwhile, Han Ji-hye married a prosecutor in 2010 and has a daughter.

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