박미선 “담배, 끊는게 아니라 참는것…Park Mi-sun: "Cigarette, don't quit, just endure..."어느 순간 생각 난다니까”(미선임파서블)I'm reminded of it at some point. (Meeseon Impossible)

[뉴스엔 이슬기 기자] 개그우먼 박미선이 "살면서 제일 잘한 게 담배를 안 배운 것"이라며 금연을 강조했다.[Reporter Lee Seul-ki on the news] Comedian Park Mi-sun emphasized quitting smoking, saying, "The best thing I did in my life was not learning how to smoke."

박미선은 최근 자신의 유튜브 채널 ‘미선임파서블’의 ‘초면에 미안한데...Park Mi-sun, I'm sorry to see you for the first time on her YouTube channel "Miseon Impossible"... 담배 있니? 주머니까지 탈탈 담배 삥 뜯기’라는 영상을 통해 흡연자들에게 금연을 권하는 내용의 영상을 공개했다.In a video titled "Do you have cigarettes?" and "Open your pockets," a video was released recommending smokers to quit smoking.

영상 속에서 제작진은 박미선에게 서울 상암동의 방송국 앞 광장에서 “금연을 결심한 분들에게 선물을 나눠주고 가지고 있는 담배를 수거해 달라”고 미션을 줬다.In the video, the production team gave Park Mi-sun a mission at the square in front of the broadcasting station in Sangam-dong, Seoul, saying, "Please give gifts to those who decided to quit smoking and collect cigarettes they have."

이날 박미선은 주변에 흡연자가 많냐는 질문에 남편 이봉원을 꼽았다.When asked if there were many smokers around her, Park Mi-sun picked her husband, Lee Bong-won. 그는 “담배 끊는 걸 제일 잘한다.He said, "I'm the best at quitting smoking. 해마다 끊는다.I cut it off every year. 결심하고 금방 지나면 다시 피운다.Once you've made up your mind, you'll smoke again. 다시 피우면 돼서 제일 쉽다더라”고 했다.I heard it's the easiest if you smoke it again."

또 박미선은 "살면서 제일 잘한 게 담배를 안 배운 거다.Park Mi-sun also said, "The best thing I did in my life was not learning to smoke. 담배는 끊는 게 아니라 참는 거다.You don't quit smoking, you have to put up with it. 어느 순간 생각난다니까"라고 말한 후 "왜 난 펴본 사람처럼 잘 알아?"라고 말해 웃음을 줬다.I remember it at some point," he said, and then said, "Why do I know it as well as if I had opened it?" and gave him a laugh.

(사진=유튜브 채널 ‘미선임파서블’)(Picture = YouTube channel "Misun Impossible")
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