오현규 "손흥민, 자비로 돈 안 챙겨줘…Oh Hyun-kyu "Son Heung-min, you don't give me money at your own expense..."섭섭하긴 했다" (리천수)I was disappointed.

(엑스포츠뉴스 김현정 기자) 축구 선수 오현규(수원 삼성)가 손흥민을 언급했다.(Exports News reporter Kim Hyun-jung) Oh Hyun-kyu (Suwon Samsung) mentioned Son Heung-min.  

4일 축구 선수 출신 이천수가 운영하는 유튜브 채널 '리춘수'에는 '카타르 월드컵 27번째 선수 오현규가 밝히는 비하인드 썰 | 명보야 밥먹자 EP27_오현규'라는 제목의 영상이 올라왔다.On the 4th, a video titled "Lee Chun-soo," a YouTube channel run by Lee Chun-soo, a former soccer player, was uploaded on the behind-the-scenes story revealed by Oh Hyun-kyu, the 27th player of the Qatar World Cup.

K리그1 수원 공격수 오현규는 파울루 벤투 전 한국대표팀 감독의 결정에 따라 대한민국 축구대표팀 월드컵 예비명단에 유일하게 포함돼 카타르로 떠났다.K League 1 Suwon striker Oh Hyun-kyu left for Qatar as the only Korean national soccer team to be on the World Cup preliminary list following the decision of former Korean national team coach Paulo Bento.

2022 카타르 월드컵에서 27번째 태극전사로 모든 여정에 동행한 오현규는 월드컵 멤버로 뽑혔을 때 어땠냐는 이천수의 질문에 "지금 잘못된 건가 했다.Oh Hyun-kyu, who accompanied him on all journeys as the 27th Taegeuk Warriors at the 2022 Qatar World Cup, asked Lee Chun-soo, "I was wondering if it was wrong now. 방송 오류인가 했다"라며 당시의 기분을 떠올렸다.I thought it was a broadcast error."  

이천수는 막내로서 카타르 월드컵에 가보니 어땠냐고 물었다.Lee Chun-soo asked how it was going to the Qatar World Cup as the youngest.

오현규는 "비행기 비즈니스를 처음 탔다.Oh Hyun-kyu said, "It's my first time in the airplane business. 항상 이코노미석만 탔다.I always took economy seats. 너무 좋아 꿀잠 잤다.I loved it. I had a good night's sleep. 역시 잘해야 보상 받느구나를 그때 느꼈다.At that time, I felt that I had to do well to be rewarded. 훈련을 같이할 때 긴장을 많이 했다.I was very nervous when I was training with him. 미스하지 말아야겠다.I shouldn't miss it. 패스미스하면 큰일 나겠다 싶었다.I thought I'd be in big trouble if I missed a pass. 운동장에 축구화 신고 있는데 붕 떠 있는 느낌이 들었다.I was wearing soccer shoes on the playground, and I felt like I was floating. 점점 괜찮아졌다"라고 회상했다.I'm getting better and better." 그는 "개인 워밍업을 집에서 하는데 형들이 밸런스 운동을 할 때 볼을 던져주고 폼롤러가 필요하면 몇 개씩 들고 있다 준다"라며 월드컵 때 한 역할을 밝혔다."I do personal warm-up at home, and when my brothers do balance exercises, they throw me balls and hold a few foam rollers if I need them," he said, revealing his role in the World Cup.


이천수는 "(손)흥민이가 이런 얘기를 했다.Lee Chun-soo said, "(Son) Heung-min said this. 많은 선수들이 활약했지만 막내 현규가 굉장히 고생하고 서포트를 잘 해줬기 때문에 이런 좋은 성적이 났다고 감동적인 인터뷰를 했다"라고 언급했다."Many players played well, but I had a touching interview that the youngest Hyun-kyu had such a good performance because he suffered a lot and supported me well."

오현규는 "흥민이 형은 공항 기자회견장에 남아 이야기하고 있고 나는 집에 가던 중에 갑자기 태그가 엄청 되더라.Oh Hyun-kyu said, "Heung-min remains at the airport press conference and I suddenly got a lot of tags on my way home. 마지막에 흥민이 형이 이야기하는 걸 듣는데 눈물이 나려고 했다.At the end, I was about to cry when I heard Heungmin talking. 사실 가서 안 힘들었다고 하면 거짓말이고 눈치도 보이고 힘들긴 했는데 흥민이 형이 따뜻하게 말해줬다"라며 고마워했다.In fact, it was a lie to go and say that it wasn't hard, and Heung-min said warmly, "It was a lie and thanked me.

이천수는 "흥민이가 (오현규가) 고생했으니 자비로 (포상금을) 주겠다고 했더니 됐다고 했다던데.Lee Chun-soo said, "Heung-min (Oh Hyun-kyu) said he would give (the reward) at his own expense because he suffered (Oh Hyun-kyu), and he said it was okay. '더 열심히 해 다음 월드컵에서 받겠다'라고 했다는 얘기도 있더라"며 궁금해했다."There are also rumors that he said he would work harder and receive it at the next World Cup," he said.

이에 오현규는 "살이 많이 붙었다.Oh Hyun-kyu said, "I gained a lot of weight. 와전이 많이 됐다.There has been a lot of misrepresentation. 흥민이 형이 너무 잘 챙겨주고 예뻐해준 건 맞지만 개인적으로 챙겨주신다고 한 적은 없다.It is true that Heung-min took care of me so well and loved me, but he never said he would take care of me personally. 사실 섭섭하긴 했는데"라며 웃었다.In fact, I was disappointed," he laughed.

"너무 잘 챙겨줬다"라면서도 "하지만 돈 이야기는 없었다"라는 이천수의 설명에 "그렇지.Lee Chun-soo said, "You took care of me too well," but explained, "But there was no talk of money." 그건 없었다"라고 강조해 웃음을 자아냈다.There was no such thing," he emphasized, drawing laughter.

이천수는 "가짜 뉴스 좀 쓰지 마라.Lee Chun-soo said, "Don't write fake news. 나같이 순수한 사람들은 믿는다"라며 너스레를 떨었다.People who are pure like me believe it."

오현규는 "형들이 포상금을 다 모아서 주셨다.Oh Hyun-kyu said, "My brothers collected all the rewards and gave them to me. 모든 선수가 '현규는 주자'라며 한마음이 됐다.All players became one, saying, "Hyun-kyu is a runner." 너무 감사하다"라고 전했다.Thank you very much."

사진= 리춘수 Photo = Lee Chun-soo
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