[OSEN=장우영 기자] 배우 유하나가 남편 이용규와 즐긴 외식 중에 당한 만행을 기분 좋게 웃어 넘겼다.[OSEN = Reporter Jang Woo-young] Actress Yoo Ha-na happily laughed at the brutality she had while eating out with her husband Lee Yong-kyu.
유하나는 29일 남편 이용규가 전지훈련을 떠나기 전 함께 외식을 하고 데이트를 하는 모습을 공개했다.Yoo Ha-na revealed on the 29th that her husband Lee Yong-kyu ate out and dated before leaving for off-season training.
유하나는 “둘이서 한우 오마카세 먹으러.Yu Hana said, "We're going to eat Korean beef omakase together. 우리 둘 사진을 다섯장이나 찍어주시는 친절함에 감동 받고 한없이 밑에서 올려찍으심에 킹받긴 했으나 음식만 맛있으면 되었죠I was moved by the kindness of taking five pictures of us, and I was given a king for taking them from below, but as long as the food was delicious. 뭐”라고 설명했다."What?" 유하나가 ‘킹 받은’ 행동은 사진을 찍을 때 각도를 올려서 찍었기 때문이었다.Yu Ha-na's "king" behavior was because she raised the angle when taking the picture. 이 때문에 ‘킹 받긴’ 했지만 유하나는 음식이 맛있었다면서 기분 좋게 넘어갔다.For this reason, she was "King," but Yoo Ha-na moved on in a good mood, saying the food was delicious.
유하나는 이용규와 결혼해 슬하에 2남을 두고 있다.Yoo Ha-na married Lee Yong-kyu and has two sons. 최근 방송된 MBC 설특집 ‘미쓰와이프’에 출연한 유하나는 이용규 몰래 눈밑지방재배치 수술을 받았지만 들키지 않았다고 밝혀 놀라움을 자아냈다.Yoo Ha-na, who appeared in the recently broadcast MBC Lunar New Year special "Miss Wife," surprised Lee Yong-kyu by revealing that she had undergone a fat rearrangement surgery under her eyes secretly, but was not caught. //