"인생 끝내고 싶었다" 급기야 촬영중단 사태까지.."I wanted to end my life". At last, the filming stopped.'당결안' 제작진도 '당황' [어저께TV]The production team of "Dangjulan" also said, "Flustered." [Yesterday's TV]

[OSEN=김수형 기자]  ‘끝장부부 합숙소 당결안’에서 결혼 후 감정의 골이 깊어진 개그맨 부부가 출연, 급기야 촬영이 중단되는 사태가 벌어졌다.[OSEN = Reporter Kim Soo-hyung] In "The Last Couple's Camp Decision," a comedian couple with deep emotional goals after marriage appeared, and the filming was finally stopped.

3일 방송된 SBS 플러스 ‘끝장부부 합숙소 당결안(당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까)’에서 테라스에서 남편들과 아내들이 한 자리에 모였다.Husbands and wives gathered in one place on the terrace on SBS Plus' Party Resolution at the end of the couple's camp (how is your marriage) aired on the 3rd.

이날 개그맨 부부로 알려진 김단하와 배정근부부는 문제에 대해 “싸움으로 번질 것 같으면 대화를 피한다”며 나름 방법을 전했다.On the same day, Kim Dan-ha and Bae Jung-geun, known as comedians' couple, shared their own way about the problem, saying, "If it is likely to escalate into a fight, we avoid conversations." 견디기 힘든 어색한 분위기를 장난으로 풀려고도 노력하는 모습.He tries to make up for the awkward atmosphere that he can't stand by with a joke. 이때, 정근은 사람들 앞에서 단하에게 “흰머리가 많다”며 급기야 흰머리를 뽑아주자 단하는 “그런 말 하지마라”며 도가 지나친 장난에 결국 감정이 상해버렸다.At this time, Jeong Geun finally pulled out Danha's gray hair in front of people, saying, "There are a lot of gray hair," and Danha ended up hurting his feelings by saying, "Don't say that." 좀처럼 화가 사그러들지 않았다.My anger didn't die down.

다시 한 방에서 만난 두 사람.They met again in the same room. 아내는 “우리끼리 할말 없나”고 하자 남편은 “오늘 부부의 방 안 간다”고 말해 더욱 아내를 서운하게 했다.When the wife said, "Do you have anything to say between us?" the husband said, "I'm not going to the couple's room today," making the wife even more sad. 불편한 마음을 안고 상담방에 도착한 두 사람.The two arrived at the counseling room with uncomfortable feelings. 먼저 결혼을 결심한 이유에 대해 아내는 “착하고 좋은 모습만 보였던 남편, 사실 이상형이었다”고 했다.First of all, regarding the reason for deciding to marry, the wife said, "My husband, who was only nice and good, was actually my ideal type."

하지만 점점 위생과 청결문제로 부딪친 두 사람.However, they were increasingly confronted with hygiene and cleanliness issues. 독박육아와 가사노동까지 겹친 것이었다.It was a combination of single parenting and housework. 그렇게 남편에 대해서도 나쁜 시선이 쌓이게 된 것.That's how I started to have bad views on my husband. 남편 역시 “답답하고 이 감정이 쌓이면 원망이 될 것 같다”며 고민을 전했다.The husband also expressed his concern, saying, "I think I will resent it if I feel frustrated and this feeling accumulates." 그는 “우리안에 갇힌 사자처럼, 집안에 규칙에 숨이 턱턱 막힌다”고 대답, 말 못한 것에 대해선 “항상 참으라는 교육을 받았다”며 화내는 법을 모른다고 했다.He replied, "Like a lion trapped in a cage, I'm suffocated by the rules in the house," and said he didn't know how to get angry, saying, "I've always been educated to endure it." 매번 장난스럽게 넘겼던 이유였던 것.It was the reason why I had to playfully turn it over every time.

남편은 “사실 기대가 없어, 표현의 방식이 문제다."In fact, I have no expectations, and the way I express it is a problem. 아내가 너무 가르치려한다”며 “아내와 아버지가 비슷하다, 똑같이 보인다, 본인은 인지를 못한다”며 급기야 물건을 던진다고 했다."My wife is trying to teach me too much," he said adding, "My wife and father are similar, they look the same, and I can't recognize them." 아내는 “얘기한 걸 안했을 때 그렇다”며 당황,“그렇게 안 한지 오래됐다 , 내가 어떤 처벌하나”고 물었다.My wife said, "It's because I didn't talk about it," and asked, "It's been a long time since I did that, what kind of punishment do I have?"

이에 남편은 “진짜 얘기하냐”며 되묻더니 “회사를 출근하거나 중요한 약속을 못 가게 해, 고속도로 타고 있어도 다시 와야한다”고 말했다.In response, the husband asked back, "Are you really talking?" and said, "You can't go to work or make important appointments at the company, so you have to come back even if you're on the highway." 이에 아내는 “처음부터 이렇지 않고 약속 안 지키니 벌을 주는거라고 한다The wife said, "It's not like this from the beginning, and it's because you don't keep your promise." 행동의 제약을 준 적 있다, 그렇게하면 내 마음을 알아줄 줄 알았다”고 했다.I've put a limitation on my behavior, and I thought you'd understand my mind if I said.

남편은 “옳은 방법이 아니라서 이해가 안 됐다 그냥 떠나고 싶었다My husband said, "It wasn't the right way, so I didn't understand. I just wanted to leave." 제 인생도 다 끝내고 싶었다I wanted to end my life, too. 세상에서 제일 힘들었다”면서“아내게 세상에서 재일 힘들고 짜증나고 어려웠다”며 감정이 폭발했다."It was the hardest thing in the world," he said, adding, "It was hard, annoying, and difficult for my wife to stay in the world." 그러면서 “지금 이런 말도 화난다, 시원하지 않는다And he said, "I'm angry at what you just said. It's not refreshing." 아내에게 난 화다”라고 말한 모습.I'm angry with my wife."

전문가는 아내와 마주보라고 하자 남편은 “그때 감정이 떠올라 하고싶지 않다”면서 급기야“잠깐만 쉬었다 가도 될까요?”라며격해진 감정에 결국 자리를 떠났다.When the expert asked her to face his wife, the husband said, "I don't want to do it because I have feelings at that time," and eventually left due to intense emotions, saying, "Can I take a break?"  당황스럽고 억우한 듯 아내 단하는 “짜증난다”며 “결혼초기에 너무 상처 받아,남편이 무시하는 발언을 먼저 했다”며 억울함과 속상한 마음을 전했다.As if embarrassed and unfair, his wife Danha expressed her resentment and frustration, saying, "I'm annoyed," adding, "I was so hurt at the beginning of the marriage that my husband ignored me first." 전문가 말에도 진정되지 않은 듯 잠시 촬영이 중단됐다.The filming was suspended for a while as if it had not calmed down even after experts said.

덮어두기만 했던 상처를 뒤늦게 마주한 두 사람.The two belatedly faced the wound they had only covered up. 잠시 쉬는 시간을 갖고 상담을 이어갔다.I took a break and continued my consultation. 여전히 표정이 어두운 부부의 모습.The couple still look pale.전문가는 “책임은 공동의 것”이라며 계속 상담을 진행했다.Experts continued to consult, saying, "Responsibility is common." 속에 있는 응어리를 풀어주기 위해 한참동안 상담이 계속됐다.Counseling continued for a long time to relieve the lump inside.긴 상담 후 각자 방으로 돌아온 부부의 모습.The couple returned to their rooms after a long consultation. 서로를 이해하지 못한 채 최종선택에 가까워졌다.Without understanding each other, we approached the final choice.

예고편에서도 부부관계는 점점 치닫는 모습.Even in the trailer, the relationship between husband and wife is getting closer. 급기야 “마음의 응어리가 하나 더 늘었다”고 말하며 좁혀지지 않는 감정의 골을 보였다.At last, he said, "I have one more lump in my heart," showing an emotional goal that cannot be narrowed.  //

[사진] ‘끝장부부 합숙소 당결안’[PHOTO] "Decision for the Best Couple's Hostel."

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