뼈만 남은 금쪽이 결국 폐쇄병동行..The gold part with only bones eventually went to the closed ward...최초로 오은영 '금쪽' 솔루션 ‘보류’ [어저께TV]For the first time, Oh Eunyoung's "golden side" solution, "pending." [Yesterday's TV]

[OSEN=김수형 기자] '금쪽같은 내 새끼'에서 최초로 오은영의 솔루션이 보류, 금쪽이는 결국 폐쇄병동으로 이동한 모습이 그려졌다.[OSEN = Reporter Kim Soo-hyung] Oh Eun-young's solution was put on hold for the first time in "My Golden Child," and Geum-gye eventually moved to a closed ward.  

6일 방송된  방송된 채널A 예능 '요즘 육아 금쪽같은 내 새끼'에서 오은영이 솔루션에 조심스러운 모습을 보였다.Oh Eun-young showed caution in the solution on Channel A's entertainment show "My Baby Like Child Care These days," which aired on the 6th.  

이날 갑자기 거식증세를 보이며 10세에 18키로가 된 금쪽이가 등장, 특히 생사의 기로에 놓였다고 했다.On this day, he suddenly showed symptoms of anorexia and said that he was at the crossroads of life and death, especially when he was 10 years old, appeared.금쪽이 모친은 “심정지가 올 수 있는데"라며 걱정할 정도.Gold's mother was worried, saying, "There could be a cardiac arrest."     금쪽이의 모습이 그려졌다.The image of a gold piece was depicted. 빵집을 찾은 모녀의 모습.A mother and a daughter who visited a bakery. 이내 금쪽이는 칭얼대더니 칼로리를 걱정했다.Soon Geum-ji whined and worried about the calories. 맛보단 칼로리 높은 것에 대해 집착을 했다.I was obsessed with calories rather than taste. 다이어트에 대한 것인지 의심했으나 모친은 “외모에 관심없다”고 했다.I doubted if it was about dieting, but my mother said, "I'm not interested in appearance."

하지만 무려 이틀동안 아무것도 먹지 않고 식사를 거부한 금쪽이.However, the golden side refused to eat for two days without eating anything. 계속해서 “안 먹겠다”며 음식을 거부했다.He continued to refuse the food, saying, "I won't eat it." 온 가족 식사자리에서도 금쪽이는 아무것도 먹지 않으며 동생만 쳐다봤다.Even at the dinner table of the whole family, Geumji didn't eat anything and only looked at his brother. 모친은 입술에라도 음식을 묻혀보라고 하자 딸은 오히려 모친에게 적대적인 모습. 급기야 입술에 음식이 닿자 “싫다”고 말하며 입술을 닦으며 냉정한 태도를 보였다.When the mother asked her to bury food on her lips, the daughter was rather hostile to the mother. At last, when the food touched her lips, she said, "No," wiping her lips and showing a cool attitude.

이에 오은영은 “모니터 멈춰보자”며 중단을 요청하더니 말을 잇지 못했다.In response, Oh Eun-young asked for a halt, saying, "Let's stop monitoring," and she couldn't continue talking. 그러면서 그는 “부모가 얼마나 걱정될지, 이 문제가 정말 심각해서 걱정된다”면서 그 어느 때보다 무거운 책임감을 보였다.In the meantime, he showed a heavier sense of responsibility than ever, saying, "I'm worried about how worried my parents will be because this problem is really serious." 오은영은 “나의 모든 걸 동원해서 의논해보겠다”며 고민했다.Oh Eun-young agonized, saying, "I'll mobilize everything I have to discuss."

특히 오은영은 거식증을 진단하며 “마음이 무겁지만 정신건강 쪽에서 다루는 쪽에서 거식증은 사망률이 가장 높다”며 “가장 먼저 강박과 불안으로 우울증, 체중감소로 신체적 합병증이 있어, 그래서 거식증인 이유, 집중 치료가 필요하다”고 설명했다.In particular, Oh Eun-young diagnosed anorexia and explained, "The mind is heavy, but anorexia has the highest mortality rate in mental health," adding, "First of all, there are physical complications due to depression and weight loss due to obsession and anxiety, so we need intensive treatment." 아니나 다를까, 금쪽이는 거의 기아상태로 거식증을 겪고 있는 모습.Sure enough, Geumji is almost starving and suffering from anorexia.

정형돈은 “소아비만은 다뤘지만 소아거식증은 드물다”며 걱정, 오은영은 “특징은 즐거운 감정이 없다 극도의 기아(굶주림) 상태, 스스로에 대한 문제 의식이 없다”며 가장 큰 문제를 꼽았다.Jeong Hyeong-don said, "We dealt with childhood obesity, but childhood anorexia is rare," and Oh Eun-young cited the biggest problem, saying, "Characteristics are no pleasant feelings, extreme hunger (hungry), and no problem consciousness about herself." 치료에도 저항적이기에 더욱이 힘든 상황.It is even more difficult because it is resistant to treatment.

또 금쪽이는 동생이 간식을 못 먹는 것에 대해 불안해하며 집착하더니 급기야 울음까지 터뜨렸다.In addition, Geum-ji became anxious and obsessed about her brother not being able to eat snacks, and eventually burst into tears. 동생이 간식을 먹는다고 하자 울음을 멈춘 후 동생에게 간식을 먹였다.When my brother said he was eating a snack, I stopped crying and fed him a snack. 이에 신애라는 “동생이 사육당하는 수준 동생이 불쌍하다”며 안타까워했다.In response, Shin Ae-ra expressed regret, saying, "I feel sorry for my younger brother, who is at the younger brother is being raised."홍현희도 “친절한 금자씨같아, 너무 무섭다”고 했다.Hong Hyun-hee also said, "It's like a kind Geumja seed, so scary."

특히 오은영은 “조심스러운 얘기, 이 얘기를 할까말까 고민되는데 아이가 편안하시냐”고 질문, 모친은 “아니다”고 답했다.In particular, Oh Eun-young asked, "I'm wondering if I should talk about this carefully, but is your child comfortable?" and her mother replied, "No." 어릴 때부터 힘들었다는 것.I've had a hard time since I was a child. 언제 터질까 불안함에 산다고 했다.He said he lived in anxiety about when it would explode. 오은영은 이를 금쪽이도 느낄 것이라며“애착형성에 문제, 음식거부로 엄마의 사랑을 받으며 이를 놓을 수도 없을 것”이라 내다봤다.Oh Eun-young said that she would feel this way, adding, "There is a problem with the formation of attachments, and she will be loved by her mother for refusing food, and she will not be able to let go of it."

가장 궁금했던 금쪽이 속마음을 들어보기로 했다.I decided to listen to what I had in mind about the most. 금쪽이는 음식을 싫어하며 요리가 좋아졌다면서 “먹지 않고도 행복하다”고 답했다.Geum-ji hates food and replied, "I'm happy without eating," saying, "I've improved my cooking." 그러면서 “엄마랑 더 많이 같이 있을 수 있으니까”라며 이유가 바로 엄마의 사랑이었던 사실을 고백했다.He confessed that the reason was his mother's love, saying, "I can be with my mother more." 금쪽이는 “엄마 아빠랑 셋만 있고 싶다”며 진짜 속마음을 전했고 스튜디오는 눈물바다가 됐다.Geum-ji said, "I want to be with my mom and dad alone," and the studio became a sea of tears. 모친은 “이제야 이해가 된다”며 눈물 흘렸다."Now I understand," cried his mother.

오은영의 처방을 묻자 오은영은 “오늘 금쪽 처방은 없다”며 금쪽이가 먼저 체력을 회복해야하는 것이 급선무라고 언급, 이후 실제로 병원에 입원한 금쪽이가 그려졌다.When asked about Oh Eun-young's prescription, Oh Eun-young said, "There is no prescription for gold today," adding that it is urgent for Geum-gye to recover his physical strength first, and afterwards, Geum-gye, who was actually hospitalized, was depicted. 이어 폐쇄병동으로 입원해 목표 체중될 때까지 집중치료를 받기로 한 모습.He then decided to be hospitalized in a closed ward and receive intensive care until he reached his target weight. 건강회복을 위해 의료진과 상의 끝에 결정한 모습으로 솔루션은 보류됐다.The solution was put on hold after consulting with medical staff to recover health.  

한편, 채널A 예능 '요즘 육아 금쪽같은 내 새끼'는 베테랑 육아  전문가들이 모여 부모들에게 요즘 육아 트렌드가 반영된 육아법을  코칭하는 프로그램으로 매주 금요일 저녁 8시에 방송된다.Meanwhile, Channel A entertainment show "My Baby Like Parenting Money These days" is a program where veteran parenting experts gather to coach parents on parenting techniques reflecting these days' parenting trends and airs every Friday at 8 p.m.  //

[사진] '금쪽같은 내 새끼'[Picture] "My golden baby".

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