[텐아시아=윤준호 기자][Ten Asia = Reporter Yunho]

사진=채널A 예능 '오은영의 금쪽 상담소' 방송화면Photo = Channel A variety show "Oh Eun-young's Golden Counseling Center" broadcast screen
가수 김승진이 아버지로부터 힘들었던 과거를 떠올렸다.Singer Kim Seung-jin recalled a difficult past from his father.
지난 27일 채널A 예능 '오은영의 금쪽 상담소'에는 1980년대 인기를 끌었던 김승진이 얼굴을 비쳤다.On the 27th, Kim Seung-jin, who was popular in the 1980s, showed his face on Channel A entertainment show Oh Eun-young's Golden Counseling Center.
이날 김승진은 그간 꺼내지 못했던 가족사를 고백했다.On the same day, Kim Seung-jin confessed his family history that he had not been able to bring up. 그는 "어렸을 때 (부모님과) 사이가 그렇게 좋지 않았다"라며 "언성이 높아지는 소리가 들리면 불안했다."When I was young, I didn't get along with my parents that well," he said, "I was anxious when I heard my voice rising." 귀를 기울이면 '내 얘기구나' 알 수 있었다"고 운을 띄웠다.When I listened, I could tell that it was about me," he said.
또 "아버지께서 매우 엄하셨다."My father was very strict. 매도 많이 맞았다"며 "중학교와 고등학교 땐 새벽 4시에 일어나 공부해야만 했다"라 밝히기도.I got a lot of criticism," he said adding, "I had to wake up at 4 a.m. in middle and high school and study."
김승진의 현재 나이는 56세.Kim Seung-jin is 56 years old now. 그럼에도 연애 경험은 1번 뿐이라고.Nevertheless, she has only had one relationship experience. 김승진은 "어릴 때 처음 만난 여자친구와 2년 정도 연애했다"며 "21세인가 그랬다.Kim Seung-jin said, "I dated my first girlfriend when I was young for about two years," adding, "I was 21 years old or something like that. 서로 바쁜 와중에도 어떻게 시간 내서 만났다"고 이야기했다.Even though we were busy, we managed to find time to meet."
김승진은 "그 연애가 처음이자 마지막이었다"며 "가수 생활할 땐 아버지 반대가 특히 심했다.Kim Seung-jin said, "That relationship was the first and last," adding, "When I was a singer, my father's opposition was particularly severe. 1980년대에는 남자 가수가 연애한다고 하면 인기는 다 끝났다고 봤다"고 언급했다.In the 1980s, when male singers said they were dating, I thought their popularity was over."
이어 "당시 아버지가 이성과 교제는 절대 하지 말라고 하셨다"고 했다.He then said, "At that time, my father told me never to go out with the opposite sex." 이를 들은 오은영 박사는 "연애란 부모와의 심리적인 독립을 기본으로 한다"며 "나이만 든다고 해서 (부모로부터) 다 독립하는 게 아니다"라고 조언했다.Dr. Oh Eun-young, who heard this, advised, "Dating is based on psychological independence with parents," adding, "Just because you get older doesn't mean you're all independent (from your parents)."
오은영 박사는 "이런 분을 표현하는 용어가 있다.Dr. Oh Eun-young said, "There is a term to describe such a person. 절식남이라고 한다"며 "절식하는 것처럼 연애의 감정을 칼같이 딱 끊어 버려서 그 이후로 연애, 결혼에 무관심해지는 남성들을 의미한다"고 덧붙였다.It's called fasting men, he said. "It means men who cut off the feelings of love like fasting and have become indifferent to love and marriage since then."
윤준호 텐아시아 기자 Yoon Joon-ho, reporter from Ten Asia,

사진=채널A 예능 '오은영의 금쪽 상담소' 방송화면Photo = Channel A variety show "Oh Eun-young's Golden Counseling Center" broadcast screen
가수 김승진이 아버지로부터 힘들었던 과거를 떠올렸다.Singer Kim Seung-jin recalled a difficult past from his father.
지난 27일 채널A 예능 '오은영의 금쪽 상담소'에는 1980년대 인기를 끌었던 김승진이 얼굴을 비쳤다.On the 27th, Kim Seung-jin, who was popular in the 1980s, showed his face on Channel A entertainment show Oh Eun-young's Golden Counseling Center.
이날 김승진은 그간 꺼내지 못했던 가족사를 고백했다.On the same day, Kim Seung-jin confessed his family history that he had not been able to bring up. 그는 "어렸을 때 (부모님과) 사이가 그렇게 좋지 않았다"라며 "언성이 높아지는 소리가 들리면 불안했다."When I was young, I didn't get along with my parents that well," he said, "I was anxious when I heard my voice rising." 귀를 기울이면 '내 얘기구나' 알 수 있었다"고 운을 띄웠다.When I listened, I could tell that it was about me," he said.
또 "아버지께서 매우 엄하셨다."My father was very strict. 매도 많이 맞았다"며 "중학교와 고등학교 땐 새벽 4시에 일어나 공부해야만 했다"라 밝히기도.I got a lot of criticism," he said adding, "I had to wake up at 4 a.m. in middle and high school and study."
김승진의 현재 나이는 56세.Kim Seung-jin is 56 years old now. 그럼에도 연애 경험은 1번 뿐이라고.Nevertheless, she has only had one relationship experience. 김승진은 "어릴 때 처음 만난 여자친구와 2년 정도 연애했다"며 "21세인가 그랬다.Kim Seung-jin said, "I dated my first girlfriend when I was young for about two years," adding, "I was 21 years old or something like that. 서로 바쁜 와중에도 어떻게 시간 내서 만났다"고 이야기했다.Even though we were busy, we managed to find time to meet."
김승진은 "그 연애가 처음이자 마지막이었다"며 "가수 생활할 땐 아버지 반대가 특히 심했다.Kim Seung-jin said, "That relationship was the first and last," adding, "When I was a singer, my father's opposition was particularly severe. 1980년대에는 남자 가수가 연애한다고 하면 인기는 다 끝났다고 봤다"고 언급했다.In the 1980s, when male singers said they were dating, I thought their popularity was over."
이어 "당시 아버지가 이성과 교제는 절대 하지 말라고 하셨다"고 했다.He then said, "At that time, my father told me never to go out with the opposite sex." 이를 들은 오은영 박사는 "연애란 부모와의 심리적인 독립을 기본으로 한다"며 "나이만 든다고 해서 (부모로부터) 다 독립하는 게 아니다"라고 조언했다.Dr. Oh Eun-young, who heard this, advised, "Dating is based on psychological independence with parents," adding, "Just because you get older doesn't mean you're all independent (from your parents)."
오은영 박사는 "이런 분을 표현하는 용어가 있다.Dr. Oh Eun-young said, "There is a term to describe such a person. 절식남이라고 한다"며 "절식하는 것처럼 연애의 감정을 칼같이 딱 끊어 버려서 그 이후로 연애, 결혼에 무관심해지는 남성들을 의미한다"고 덧붙였다.It's called fasting men, he said. "It means men who cut off the feelings of love like fasting and have become indifferent to love and marriage since then."
윤준호 텐아시아 기자 Yoon Joon-ho, reporter from Ten Asia,