[뉴스엔 서유나 기자] 조혜련이 집안의 스태미나 비결로 굴을 꼽았다.[Reporter Seo Yuna on the news] Cho Hye-ryeon cited oysters as the secret to her family's stamina.
1월 27일 방송된 KBS 2TV 예능 '신상출시 편스토랑'(이하 '편스토랑') 161회에서는 조혜련이 2세 계획을 세운 절친 박수홍에게 삼배체굴을 선물해왔다.In the 161st episode of KBS 2TV's entertainment show "New Product Launch Convenience Restaurant" (hereinafter referred to as "Convenience Restaurant"), which aired on Jan. 27, Cho Hye-ryeon presented a Sambae Cave to her best friend Park Soo-hong, who planned for the second generation.
이날 박수홍은 택배 배송된 삼배체굴을 꺼내왔다.On the same day, Park Soo-hong took out the Sambae Cave delivered by courier-delivered. 삼배체굴은 일반 굴보다 3배가 큰 절대 식재료.Sambaed oysters are an absolute ingredient that is three times larger than regular oysters. 박수홍은 "삼배체는 생식 기능을 빼서 3배로 커지고 영양분이 커진 것"이라며 "자기 자신의 생식을 끊어 내 생식을 키우는 것"이라고 너스레 떨었다.Park Soo-hong said, "Triples are tripled and nutrients are increased by subtracting reproductive functions," adding, "It is to cut off one's own reproduction and grow my reproduction."

이토록 귀한 식재료를 박수홍에게 통크게 선물한 사람은 절친 조혜련이었다.It was his best friend Cho Hye-ryeon who gave Park Soo-hong such precious ingredients. 박수홍은 당장 조혜련에게 전화를 걸어 "뭐 이렇게 큰 걸 보냈냐"며 고마움을 전했다.Park Soo-hong immediately called Cho Hye-ryeon and thanked her, "Why did you send such a big one?"
이런 박수홍에게 조혜련은 "왜냐면 우리 집안의 스태미나가 굴이었다.To Park Soo-hong, Cho Hye-ryeon said, "Because the stamina of my family was oysters. 내 남동생도 알지 않냐.Don't you know my brother? 그 화제됐지 않냐.Isn't it the talk of the town? 가만두지 않아서"라고 선물의 이유를 전했고, 스튜디오에서 이를 들은 이찬원은 '애로부부'애 대한 언급임을 알고 웃음을 터뜨렸다.I won't let you go," he said, and Lee Chan-won, who heard this in the studio, burst into laughter when he found out that it was a reference to the love of the "difficult couple."
앞서 조혜련 남동생 조지환의 아내 박혜민은 채널A 예능 '애로부부'에 출연해 "(조지환이) 32시간마다 (부부관계를) 요구하는 것 같다.Earlier, Park Hye-min, the wife of Cho Hye-ryeon's younger brother Cho Ji-hwan, appears on Channel A's entertainment show "The Hard Couple" and seems to demand (the marital relationship) every 32 hours. 이틀이 지나기 전에 퇴근할 때쯤 메시지가 온다.I get a message two days before I leave work. 제가 체격이 왜소하다 보니 받아주기가 너무 힘들다"고 토로해 화제를 모았다."It's so hard to accept my small physique," he said, drawing attention. (사진=KBS 2TV '신상출시 편스토랑' 캡처)(Photo = Capture of KBS 2TV's New Release Convenience Restaurant)