이숙 “정치인 남편, 선거 2번 떨어지고 스트레스로 세상 떠나”(특종세상)[결정적장면]Lee Sook "Politician Husband Fails twice in Elections and Leaves the World with Stress" (Special World) [Critical Scene]

[뉴스엔 서유나 기자] 배우 이숙이 남편과 사별한 사연을 전했다.[Reporter Seo Yuna on the news] Actress Lee Soo-suk told the story of her husband's death.

1월 12일 방송된 MBN 밀착 다큐멘터리 '특종세상' 565회에서는 배우 이숙이 죽은 남편을 떠올렸다.In the 565th episode of MBN's close-up documentary "Special World," which aired on January 12, actor Lee Soo-sook recalled her late husband.

이날 이숙은 2년째 홀로 사는 집에 들어섰다.On the same day, Lee Sook entered the house where she had lived alone for two years. 적막한 하루의 마무리 속 떠오르는 사람은 사별한 남편.At the end of a lonely day, the person who comes to mind is a husband who has passed away.

이숙은 "(사별한 지) 30년 됐다.Lee Sook said, "It's been 30 years since I've died. 사실 제가 어릴 때 '너 커서 뭐가 될래?When I was young, I asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up.' 그러면 여류 정치가가 있었다."Then there was a female politician. 그런데 이상하게 또 결혼 상대는 정치하는 사람을 만나게 되더라.But strangely enough, I met a politician with my marriage partner. 그러다 보니까 남편은 지부장 또 위원장 이렇게 하시다가 선거 2번 떨어지시고 스트레스로 가셨다"고 회상했다.As a result, my husband was the branch manager and the chairman, but he failed twice in the election and went to stress."

결혼한 지 10년도 채 되지 않아 일찍 세상을 떠난 남편 탓에 이숙은 두 아이의 엄마로, 배우로 치열하게 살아야 했다.Lee Sook had to live fiercely as a mother of two and an actor because of her husband, who died early less than 10 years after marriage.

이숙은 "아빠(남편)이 계실 때처럼 풍족하게 안 되잖나.Lee Sook said, "You can't be as rich as when your father (husband. 그럼 점들이 미안하다.Then I'm sorry about the dots. 나 혼자서 열심히 뛰고 있는데 양쪽 부모가 다 있는 것처럼 못 하잖나.I'm running hard by myself, but I can't pretend that both parents are there. 그런 것들이 미안하다"고 자식들에 대한 미안함을 고백해 안타까움을 줬다.I'm sorry for those things," he said, expressing his regret for his children. (사진=MBN '특종세상' 캡처)(Photo = MBN "special world" capture)
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