한경일 “母치매+파킨슨병…Han Kyung-il: "Mother dementia + Parkinson's disease... '생활고'로 전기밥솥 파는 무대 서기도” 충격 (‘특종세상’) [종합]Standing on the stage selling electric rice cookers at "Living High School" is also shocking.

[OSEN=박근희 기자] '특종세상’ 한경일이 어머니의 병을 고백한 가운데, 생활고를 언급했다.[OSEN = Reporter Park Geun-hee] Han Kyung-il, "Special World," confessed his mother's illness and mentioned the hardships of life.8일 전파를 탄 MBN '특종세상'에는 가수 한경일이 출연했다.Singer Han Kyung-il appeared in MBN's "Special World," which aired on the 8th.

경기도에 한 라이브 카페에서 한경일은 무대에 올랐다.Han Kyung-il went on stage at a live cafe in Gyeonggi-do. 한경일은 “제 노래인 ‘내 삶의 반’으로 인사 드리겠다”라며 노래를 열창했다.Han Kyung-il sang the song enthusiastically, saying, "I'll greet you with my song 'Half of My Life'." 설 곳을 잃은 한경일은 라이브 카페 무대와 축가를 하고 있다고.Han Kyung-il, who lost his place, is performing at a live cafe and singing at a wedding.

6년 전 생애 처음으로 마련한 보금자리인 아파트에서 한경일 부자는 살고 있다고.Han Kyung-il and his son live in an apartment that was built for the first time six years ago. 한경일은 스크랩을 들고 나와 “엄마가 제가 활동하던 시절에 신문에 나오던 기사를 오려서 스크랩을 하신 거다”라고 설명했다.Han Kyung-il came out with a scrap and explained, "My mom clipped an article that was in the newspaper when I was active."

한경일은 어머니의 치매와 파킨슨병이 심해져 병원에 옮겼다고 말하기도.Han Kyung-il also said that his mother's dementia and Parkinson's disease worsened and he was transferred to the hospital. 코로나 19이후 오랜만에 어머니를 만난 한경일은 “엄마 반가워요.Han Kyung-il, who met his mother for the first time in a while since COVID-19, said, "Nice to meet you, mom 살 많이 빠졌어.I've lost a lot of weight. 엄마하고 같이 찍은 사진 보여줄게”라며 챙겨온 사진을 들어보였다.I'll show you the picture I took with my mom," he said.

면회 시간이 끝나자 한경일은 “원래 안 그러려고 하는데 (눈물을) 주체를 못할 것 같다.At the end of the visiting time, Han Kyung-il said, "I'm not going to do that, but I don't think I can control my tears. 꾹 참았는데 마지막에 인사하는데 저만 느꼈다.I held it in, but when I said hello at the end, I felt only myself. 손을 안 놔주시더라”라고 말하며 눈물을 보였다.They didn't let go of my hand." 한경일은 “술에 많이 의지하면서 살았던 적도 있다.Han Kyung-il said, "I once lived relying on alcohol a lot. 인생을 거의 포기하다시피.As if you've almost given up on your life. 남 보기 부끄러울 정도로 좀 자포자기 하면서 살았던 시기도 있다”라고 솔직하게 밝혔다.There are times when I lived with a little desperation to the point where I was embarrassed to see others," he said honestly.

가수 활동을 멈춘 이후 전국을 돌며 축가를 했다고.He went around the country to sing at his wedding after he stopped being a singer.k. 한경일은 “주변에서 돈 줄테니까 노래하라면 어디든 갔다.Han Kyung-il said, "People around me will give me money, so I went wherever I was told to sing. 제가 노래를 하는데 옆에서 전기밥솥을 파는 곳도 가봤다.While I was singing, I went to a place that sells electric rice cookers next to me. 가리지 않고 노래를 했고 돈이 적어도 노래를 했다.He sang regardless of what he did, and at least he sang. 가지고 있는 유일한 기술이자 무기인 노래를 가지고 어떻게든 살아가야 했다”라고 덧붙였다.I had to somehow live with songs, the only skill and weapon I had."

한경일은 아버지와 식사를 하러 나갔다.Han Kyung-il went out to eat with his father. 한경일은 “어머니만 챙기느라 아버지를 잘 못 챙긴것 같다”라며 죄송한 마음을 전했다.Han Kyung-il expressed his regret, saying, "I think I took care of my father wrong because I was only taking care of my mother." 한경일은 “아빠가 어떻게 버티는지 신기하다.Han Kyung-il said, "It's amazing how my dad holds out. 견디기가 힘들만큼 힘든데”라며 아버지를 향한 걱정을 드러냈다.It's so hard to bear," he said, expressing his concern for his father.

한경일은 음원사이트에서 본인의 이름을 검색했다.Han Kyung-il searched his name on music sites. “지금 한 페이지에 50개까지가 표시가 되는 거다."Now there are up to 50 marks on one page. 뒤에도 이렇게 많다.There are so many more in the back. 이렇게 음원을 디지털 싱글로 내는 일을 안 하면 저는 정말 아무것도 아닌 게 되다.If I don't release a digital single like this, I'm really nothing. 그러면 발표하는 곡도 없고 옛날에 그냥 활동을 한 가수로만 남는다.Then, there is no song to release, and it remains only as a singer who was active in the past. 그럼 저는 사라진다.Then I'll disappear. 존재의 의미가 없다”라며 말했다.There's no point in being here."

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[사진] ‘특종세상' 방송화면 캡쳐[Picture] Screenshot of "Special World".

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