故예학영 사망 뒤늦게 알려져, 향년 40세..The late Ye Hak-young's death was belatedly known, and he was 40 years old.굴곡 많았던 삶a life full of ups and downs

[OSEN=최나영 기자] 모델 출신 배우 예학영의 사망 소식이 뒤늦게 알려졌다.[OSEN = Reporter Choi Na-young] The news of the death of model-turned-actor Ye Hak-young was belatedly announced.

28일 연예계에 따르면 예학영은 지난 24일 오전 사망했다.According to the entertainment industry on the 28th, Ye Hak-young died on the morning of the 24th. 향년 40세.He was 40 years old. 사인은 알려지지 않았다.The cause of death is unknown.

지인들은 고인의 사망 소식을 듣고 애통함을 금치 못했다는 후문이다.It is rumored that acquaintances were grieving at the news of the death of the deceased.    

예학영의 빈소는 경기도 안양시 한림대학교 성심병원에 마련됐었고 장지는 경기도 광주 시안가족추모공원이다.Ye Hak-young's mortuary was set up at Hallym University Seongsim Hospital in Anyang, Gyeonggi-do, and the burial site is Xi'an Family Memorial Park in Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do. 발인은 26일 진행됐다.The publication took place on the 26th.

지난 2001년 서울컬렉션에서 모델로 데뷔한 예학영은 MBC 시트콤 ‘논스톱4’, 영화 ‘아버지와 마리와 나’(2008), ‘배꼽’(2013), ‘바리새인’(2014) 등에 출연했다.Ye Hak-young, who made her debut as a model at the Seoul Collection in 2001, appeared in the MBC sitcom "Nonstop 4," the movies "Father and Marie and I" (2008), "Belly button" (2013), and "Barisaein" (2014).

고인은 생전 굴곡 많았던 삶을 살았다.The deceased lived a life full of ups and downs. 불과 1년만에 반복된 음주운전 적발로 비판 받았으며 과거 마약 밀반입·투약 혐의로 구속되기도 했다.He was criticized for repeated drunk driving in just a year and was arrested on charges of smuggling and administering drugs in the past.

이후 약 3년간의 자숙시간을 가진 후 복귀를 시도, 2011년 Mnet ‘세레나데 대작전’으로 복귀했지만 큰 주목을 받지 못했다.After about three years of self-reflection, he attempted to return and returned to Mnet's "Serenade Operation" in 2011, but received little attention. 이듬해엔 tvN ‘코리아 갓 탤런트2’ 서울 지역 예선에도 응시하며 재기를 꿈꿨던 바다.The following year, he also dreamed of making a comeback by taking the tvN "Korea Got Talent 2" preliminary round in Seoul.


[사진] 예학영[Picture] Yeh Hak-young.

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