배수진 "직업無+대출 이자 100만원+베이비시터까지"…Bae Soo-jin "no job + 1 million won in loan interest + baby sitter"...박미선 '분노'('진격의언니들')[SC리뷰]Park Misun's "Angry Sisters" [SC Review]

[스포츠조선닷컴 김준석 기자] '진격의 언니들' 박미선이 개그맨 배동성 딸 배수진에게 팩폭을 날렸다.[Sports Chosun Dotcom reporter Kim Joon-seok] Park Mi-sun, "Attack sisters," gave a fact attack to comedian Bae Dong-sung's daughter Bae Soo-jin.

지난 27일 방송된 채널S '진격의 언니들'에는 개그맨 배동성의 딸이자 돌싱들의 연애를 다룬 예능프로그램으로 얼굴을 알린 배수진이 찾아왔다.Channel S's "Attack sisters," which aired on the 27th, visited Bae Soo-jin, the daughter of comedian Bae Dong-sung and who made her face known as an entertainment program dealing with the romance of Dolsing.

이날 어떤 고민이 있냐는 질문에 배수진은 "대출 이자만 매달 100만원씩 나가고 있다.When asked what concerns he had on the day, Bae Soo-jin said, "Only interest on loans costs 1 million won per month. 고정적인 수입이 나올 직업이 없어서 어떤 일을 해야 할 지 고민이다"라고 입을 열었다.I don't have a job with a fixed income, so I'm worried about what kind of work I said.

지난 2월 대출을 받아 경기도에 집을 샀다고 밝힌 배수진은 "이혼 후 이사를 많이 다녔다.Bae Soo-jin, who said he took out a loan in February and bought a house in Gyeonggi-do, said, "I moved a lot after divorce. 아들과 안정적으로 살고 싶어서 집을 샀다.I bought a house because I wanted to live a stable life with my son. 무리하긴 했는데 평생 살 집이라고 생각했다.I tried too hard, but I thought it was a place to live my whole life. 평생 쓸 가구도 샀다.I also bought furniture for life. 그 전에 쓰던건 버리거나 팔았다"고 밝혔다.I threw away or sold what I had used before."

배수진은 "이혼 전에는 가족 유튜브를 했다.Bae Soo-jin said, "Before my divorce, I did YouTube with my family. 200~300만원을 벌었다.He earned two to three million won. 지금은 그 채널은 아예 삭제했다"면서 "다시 만들었는데 그 만큼 벌지 못한다.Now I've deleted the channel at all," he said adding, "I've created it again, but I don't earn that much. 대학교를 못 나왔다.I didn't get out of college. 영어를 잘하지만 학벌 때문에 직장을 구하기 쉽지 않다.Although he is good at English, it is not easy to find a job because of his academic background. 번역일은 제가 한국말을 잘 못한다"고 털어놨다.I can't speak Korean very well when it comes to translation." 일반 회사를 합격을 했지만, 아들을 봐줄 사람이 없다고.I passed a regular company, but there was no one to look after my son. 그러면서 "베이비시터를 쓰는데 돈이 똑같이 나간다"고 덧붙였다.He added, "I use a baby sitter and it costs the same amount of money."

아버지가 도와주시진 않냐는 질문에 배수진은 "아빠랑 약속을 했다.Asked if his father would help him, Bae Soo-jin said, "I made an appointment with my father. 성인이 되면 알아서하기로 했다.I decided to take care of it when I became an adult. 저희 가족은 각자 알아서 한다.My family is on their own. 아빠는 '돈 없다'고 하는 스타일"라고 이야기했다.My dad says, "I don't have any money."

배수진은 유명인의 자녀로 살아온 고충에 대해 "첫 방송 출연이 아빠와 했다.Regarding the hardships of living as a child of a celebrity, Bae Soo-jin said, "My first appearance on the show was with my father. 이미지가 안 좋게 나왔다.The image came out bad. 각인된 이미지가 박혔다.The imprinted image is engraved on it. '금수저', '철부지 꼬리표'가 따라붙었다."Gold spoon" and "Childhood tag" followed. 많이 힘들었다"고 털어놨다.I had a hard time."

고민을 유심히 듣던 박미선은 "늘 공주님처럼 부족함 없이…Park Mi-sun, who was listening carefully to her worries, said, "I always have no shortage like a princess..."금수저가 맞다"라며 돌직구를 날려 배수진을 당황하게 만들었다."It's a golden spoon," he said, throwing a straightforward shot, embarrassing Bae Soo-jin. 그러면서 "내가 잘할 수 있는 일을 먼저 찾아라.He said, "First, find what I can do well. 간절해야 한다"고 조언했다.You must be desperate."

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