Namgoong Min [are a Jang Wooyoung osen] actor and model jinareum is open a new page as husband and wife.
Namgoong Min are seven days and jinareum the wedding somewhere in Seoul.The wedding was conducted behind closed doors, and was hosted by actors Jung Moon Sung, sang by Tong Vang Xien Qi.
Nam Goong-min last February, 2016 and jinareum is being officially admitted to being in love as coming.당시 두 사람은 영화 ‘라이트 마이 파이’에서 감독과 여주인공으로 처음 만났으며, 7개월째 만남을 이어오다 열애를 인정했다. Namgoong Min at an entertainment and relationship is jinareum " feels that there is a private a lot to like me, and I ask you about the same.I have no interest and strain, but after all the applications for his candid doljikku is pellucid to open the door of mind. "
Namgoong Min and jinareum did not hide affection for each other in broadcasting.Jinareum about Namgoong Min, " in the arts, a villainous image is strong, gentle man.Smiles, the official said more than me.
남궁민은 2017 KBS 연기대상에서 최우수상을 받은 뒤 진아름을 언급하며 "고맙고 사랑한다"고 말했고, 2020 SBS 연기대상에서 대상을 수상한 뒤에는 "너무 오랜 시간 제 옆에서 절 지켜주고 제 옆에 있어 주는 우리 사랑하는 아름이 너무 고맙고 사랑한다"고 말했다.
In particular, last year, mbc yeongi target at Prime Minister later said it "Thank you for your beautiful, is always there beside me and I love you.".
결혼을 앞둔 남궁민은 현재 출연 중인 SBS 금토드라마 ‘천원짜리 변호사’도 동시간대 1위를 기록하는 등 겹경사를 맞았다.방송 2주차인 3화 기준으로 전국 12.9%, 수도권 13.5%를 기록하며 폭발적인 상승세 속 주간 미니시리즈 전체 1위를 차지, 2022년에 방영된 SBS 드라마 중 최고 시청률을 달성하기도 했다.
Namgoong Min has "the meaning of life deep in the future of the two men who be taking the first step to repay you for hearty cheers and I ask you, and the blessed to front good to let me say hello" he said. /