Three of the corvettes of a trot singer ⓒ news 1.
(= 1 News, Seoul, Korea) Kim Min-ji reporters are 'school violence allegations' in Three of the corvettes singer had complained of resentment and next will sternly deal with.
Antibechic attorneys six days baekssongeun a law firm, school violence for him (School violence) that raised suspicions in the civil and criminal action had been been the author delivered over.
백송에 따르면 지난해 진해성 측은 학폭 의혹을 제기한 글 작성자들을 상대로 게시물 삭제를 구하는 취지의 가처분을 신청했고, 법원은 10월 이를 인용했다.However, some postings does not delete, and writers to Three of the corvettes for the wage garnishment, a private damages is also under way.
이와 관련 진해성은 뉴스1과 통화에서 "지금까지는 악플이 달려도 그러려니 하고 참아왔다, 공인이다 보니 감수해야 되는 부분이 있다고 생각했다"라면서도 "하지만 도가 지나친 글들이 있었고 이로 인해 손해보고 피해 입은 것들이 많았다, 소문이 소문을 낳아서 이래선 안 되겠다 싶더라"라고 법적 조치를 진행한 이유를 밝혔다.
"If I school violence case wouldn't have to do, not because the legal issue raised by the" he said, following "Some evidence can prove the innocence for me." claimed.
Three of the corvettes is also spreading false information in the future to are increasingly signaling that he would take legal action.He "Even after spreading false information to those who try to take legal action without notice, will also file a civil suit" he said, "The rumors will respond sternly", let me know.
Earlier in February last year, titled 'kbs trot about the National Sports Festival winner' in an online community's writing is reported.글 작성자 A씨는 학창시절 진해성이 같은 학교 학생인 B씨에게 심부름을 시키고 구타를 했다고 주장했으나, 진해성 본인은 결백을 주장한 바 있다.