Gwyneth Paltrow chose [international issues] back past 50 years old, torn "At the age of 40, sexy, what shall we do?".

[My press daily = gwangmyeongdong] Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow chose (50) confided that the pressure on the aging as they grow older.

He was, (local time) his podcasts of ‘Goof’ a lifestyle brand that appeared on Brad hollowed out to be her husband confided worry to (51).

These days, he felt older about a healthier view, but tried to scare yourself, is the concept that when explained.

He said, " It was really hard when you turn forty.Were embarrassed by bodily aging, confided.

As I cast was not well.If there is no sex appeal ‘ me?I think that ’.만약 내가 같은 방식으로 예쁘지 않다면 무엇이 나를 만들었을까"라고 말했다.

And he said, " I was critical too.Is always something wrong.Shall be recalibrated, and to do differently myself, started a relationship, " explained.

He said, " my body is not accepted that there are wrinkles or metabolism is not the same.Can never be used when past two years, and it seems there was more fighting now seems to be a little better, confesses.

펠트로는 2002년 아버지 브루스 펠트로가 구강암으로 사망한 이후 죽음에 두려움을 느꼈다고 전했다.The age and said he accepted a change.

I felt I accept the loose skin, wrinkles.The need to perfect my body and throw it away.I said, take personality.

I felt Chris Martin, married in 2003 to start building the separation in 2014, 2016 after a divorce.Felt was drama woodcutters and 2018, be married to filmmaker and writer Brad.

He, as well as a 'Shakespeare in Love,' by 'The Avengers' series, a lot of fans in Korea, too.

[photo = afp bb news].

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