"Sun Ye and beyond understanding" Oh Eun-young, 'blepharoptosis' daughter, language delay in development "punitive" needle [ oh!Very strong reviews (yesterday) and ].

[osen : a reporter Kim Soo Hyung] ‘Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.’, Sun Ye is a variety of problems, in particular the first daughter for the troubles.

Sun-ye, it stars in two televised on Channel ‘Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.’ to the arts, a.

Sun-ye shooting a flare activity 10 years confounded the white spaces.Make to raise three children for 10 years and three albums to choose one of Sun Ye said, when the album three, it is easier.I want to, '' smiled, releasing an album. Asked the problem of childcare brilliant comeback after 10 years, Sun Ye in earnest.Asked about the 26 years old and my mom when It was the very feelings, " can't, OK, it's all right in.Marriage is accepted as a new start in life, I have selected, " there's usually a big impact, saying it confirmed.In particular, that It was the natural childbirth at home without a painless injection "In the old days mothers don't you, once proven because there's anything I wanted to see." said.

Asked about postpartum depression.It was the "Well, (hard) was transferred and the idea, Ken well in a given environment is his wife, the mother I wanted to to do that." and showed a serene.And It was the "don't have married around, no one is really to turn to." and even alone wasn't easy, but I have indicated that all right.A tug boat find a way to live alone in unfamiliar environment.

A variety of becoming a mother in the throes of Sun-ye, asked other problems.It was the "Recently I ask why look at people first" and "That is inherently For patients with blepharoptosis, a child born or development abilities, have delayed language development, in particular lagging two or three years," said.Why don't find.It was the "One added 10 year old metaphor first daughter a mother from worried now." and " Why am I different from other friends?Be hurt by worries about self-esteem, confessed.

Her daughter's self-esteem of parents who want to protect heart선예는 "처음 안검하수가 뭔지 몰라출생3일 째 양쪽 눈을 뜨지 못했다, 3일 후에 한쪽 눈을 뜨고 10일 지나서야 다른 한쪽 눈을 떴다"며 "첫 애니까 처음 증상을 대수롭지 않게 생각했는데 생후 6개월에 영유아 검사를 실기했고 한국 소아과에서 안검하수 진단을 권했다"고 회상했다.

For patients with blepharoptosis, Oh Eun-young, "There are more than weak muscles, eyelids, the ability of the eye can also influence the development of other cases." about.It was the the "6 months to toys that run automatically when I was flabbergasted at the sight, flying in the wind is afraid of trees,", worried about.

It was the, about the delayed language development "10 years old, and command of a long article, didn't give you a simple sentence to talk about." and said, "more worrying problem knows stories but don't speak.".In the pit of my stomach that her daughter myself.

Oh Eun-young at age 2 to 3 million, saying it was "10 years of age, language development seems to be late" asked a lot of the speech stimuli.It was the "I live in two or three years in Haiti, South Korea and Canada, Haiti, between three countries heard a variety of language and life." and said, "language development decision which must be a moment didn't become a negative impact on speculation.".

특히 친구들이 외모에 대해 물어보면 딸이 위축되는 것도 보였다는 선예.Oh Eun-young is "For patients with blepharoptosis, seems to be a lot of influence." and daughter would worry about other people's attention to low self-esteem and concern, language development, would have influenced it.

Oh Eun-young is Sun Ye was blepharoptosis about the asked for a specialist.It was the "The original 10 years trying to get surgery, thankfully, have the same specialist, with a few more years recommended him to watch., asked her daughter to a doctor, deny." said.

Oh Eun-young is "It is concerned eye The doctor diagnosed the vision focused on 10 years of age, however, that physical self-image, formation shall be to feel pride about my body is a critical time." and to this For patients with blepharoptosis, the formation a big impact on child's self-image will is worried.

It was the "anxious What if worried more on the eyes that have changed their children after surgery.", Oh Eun-young, "I will say strongly" and saying emphatically, " If we operate when child is awake, the more comfortable than ever asked?Be careful when you think for cosmetic purposes, Sun Ye and harsh conditions to her, it as a child showed a serious expression on the part that we had missed. 

이에 박나래는 "남동생이 얼마전 안검하수 수술했다  현재 동생의 삶의 질이 좋아졌다"고 하자 선예도 "(수술)결정을 내리겠다"며 고민했다.

오은영은 "엄마로 객관적인 문제해결이 필요하다  아이들에게 엄마 민선예는 삶의 기둥 지금 껏 존재를 증명하려 애썼다면 증명이 필요없는 엄마라는 존재 좋은 엄마다"며 격려를 전했고,선예도 " 단순한 위로와 공감이 아닌  조언을 들었다, 오늘 많은 도움 감사하다"며 소감을 전했다.

무엇보다 10년만에 솔로로 돌아온 선예의 새로운 앨범도 대박나길 모두가 기원했다. /

[picture] ‘Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.’.

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