Bibi, [press news, gimmyeongmi] singer announced new songs in a year revealed the start of his comments.
BB's free single 'animal farm (a masked ball)' hit stores on September 27, 1 p.m. and at the same time, causing a sensation.
시선을 강탈한 뮤직비디오와 그 속에 담긴 묵직한 울림, 곡 전체의 스토리 기획과 연출 연기 등 비비의 독보적 아티스트 역량이 찬사를 받고 있는 것.
'lowlife noir : princess' full-length album, which will be released November's first single from a big way by the wind.BB is also "Feeling excited and immature." and a shake up.
For the single album and 'animal farm (a masked ball)' less than the specifics of the interview.
-1년 만에 신곡이다.I feel full album of the free single and it's certainly it would be. ▲ Feeling excited and immature.The whole process for the first time greeted like nervous.
- listening in this single point, if I had to pick.
▲ feel accepted as soon as you!Did not make it difficult.Personally, rebellious seems to be filled with romance.
- Music video is pretty intense.What did you want to deliver a message the most.

▲ thought it would be great if you just an entertaining.You mind looking after a new fun, just like that associated with good music.But the lyrics are deeply I ask you to savor.
Station 4 - planning, directing, acting and writing lyrics to one.
▲ The thought of making one thread and everything.The mood was not several days, and likely loom as a salty, as a huge amount of thousand.Someone, but strong feeling of 手作 秀作 will be thrilled if you say.
- suppose it wasn't an easy process.
▲ controlling nature create a nature, so I had so many schedule.In addition, longer periods of work and don't want to be forgotten.So it's more forcibly involved.Physical distribution is the hardest part.
- The regular albums were released after a single, but, if you tell me a little more a hint.
▲ a large scale took several music videos.They will be completed in is across the whole story telling.Prepare all kinds of content and enjoy more than a simple music album.More than anything, Bebe's first character created soon!Fondled her and me to.
- Bebe in the future.
▲ I wish I can still be fun for you.The story goes to make the following : I again!
(Photo : Phil providing good music)