(ek gimyeeun a sports news) Baek Ji-young and Jung Suk-won create, starring tusyat in the live broadcast.
Recently, Baek Ji-young YouTube channel entitled 'Baek Ji-young baek z young' in '[unedited] Haim is to sleep and Live - (husband) _ with' video is uploaded.
Baek Ji-young is the image without edit it to communicate through the fans and live broadcasting as it is uploaded.Baek Ji-young is talking about this and that fans, and chatted.
Jung Suk-won, Baek Ji-young's husband, at this time to get home.Baek Ji-young, " Honey?", saying" I am YouTube Live now my hon, " he said.In addition, fans said, " My husband made his way home after work today.I wore suit for a long time ", too.
The Jung Suk-won showed up in front of the camera.Once said, " Chris is Baek Ji-young.I'm fine.Fans just had, " asked us all here.Jung Suk-won, Baek Ji-young and to make a bow toward the camera, said what I'm sorry.I'm sorry. " Jung Suk-won deungjjak of the hit."What is you and ask you all I'm sorry I don't know njin" he said he hoped then.
He also said, " Jung Suk-won, a face is so black that from this don't like how a greeting me.Personnel that I thought you were, " Jung Suk-won's YouTube said it is amazing in.
Photo = Baek Ji-young YouTube.