[osen : Choi Na Young news] ‘weird lawyer uyeongu’ Park Eun-bin point out the absurdities of clients within the rules and principles.
The last three days in case of anomalies and foul is rampant, in 11 innings a broadcast channel ‘weird lawyer uyeongu’ (A story producer, manned, a drama munjiwon, crew romance and Ginny studio kt) ena uyeongu, fraud and false principles to dig into a lawyer (If Park Eun-bin) of the wit shone through.2.8 billion won the effective distribution agreements in its client's Lotto jackpot reconciliation, but the case, not hide behind a blind eye to the truth and justice, Wooyoung friendship toward the move provoked cheers.Wooyoung friendship makes the change is a thrill in love here and raised the heart rate.11회 시청률은 전국 14.2%, 수도권 15.4%, 분당 최고 16.9%(닐슨코리아, 유료가구 기준)까지 오르며 호응을 이어갔다.
The client sinilsu The heel is broken is (If heodongwon) for Hanbada and find a wife.Romantist husband appealed for attention in the style of appeals is an unfair situation.도박장에서 만난 이들과 돈을 모아 로또를 구입한 당시 당첨될 경우 당첨금을 나눠 갖기로 했지만, 1등에 당첨된 윤재원(정지호 분)이 돌연 연락을 끊고 약속을 어겼다는 것.Divided by a third of the winnings up to his ‘1.4 billion won’ idea that I missed the heart is tip of the sinilsu.But Jung Myung Seok was insufficient evidence (Kang Ki Young man) is not only bought with gambling and promise of become invalid, raising the prospects, and uyeongu is resolutely dry the client to plan the false statements.
In papers and recording of evidence had to look for witnesses to replace.Headed to a gambling joint, as the sinilsu uyeongu.‘ashtray’ he ran an errand for Lotto hanbyeonggil (If jangwonhyeok) three people remembered the conversation.But in my first date for argument is proposed as a witness hanbyeonggil to concerns about their illegal status it going into hiding.피고 정재원 측이 로또 당첨금에 대해 나눈 이야기가 명확한 약속이 아닌 가벼운 농담이었음을 주장하는 만큼, 공동 분배 약정의 여부를 확인하는 것이 급선무였다.Baksseongnam to the witness to provide them with fake money at the end of the (If jeongganghui) again, he said, " because man is uyeongu yudori (flexibility) I'm not sure that I!Rather angry. "Uyeongu sinilsu is a bout of another witness must stop him and said he would come. For the second date for argument ‘keopijang’ whom you met at the gambling choedaye the new (If seoyewon) as a witness present.그는 로또 심부름을 가는 한병길에게 셋 중 하나라도 당첨되면 당첨금은 무조건 N분의 1로 나누기로 했다는 이야기를 들었다고 증언했다.Then the script is the defendant jeongjaewon sinilsu an inappropriate relationship and choedaye and claimed to be lying.The court eventually jeongjaewon sinilsu, baksseongnam to a ruling that it should distribute the Lotto jackpot.But many municipal governments-excluding and Wooyoung mind is complicated gesture of friendship.At trial, the sinilsu has a secret witness send the cause of death to choedaye.Soon afterwards, the sinilsu to Lotto jackpot is because if water is subject to division of property after divorce, Wooyoung pains have deepened friendship.Seongeunji his wife (Park Ji-yeon who) received by the unjust divorce to be concerned about the damage.
Choi Soo Yeon Jung Myung Seok to tell the truth and expressed their concern, but there was no way to (If hayungyeong).DEAR WHO THANKS WHO : I learned as a lawyer should not spill the beans to go back on the ‘the Attorneys-at-Law Act Article 26’ that was not always.Once Lee Joon-Ho, uyeongu with Kimbap place may, for operating the seongeunji.And uyeongu sinilsu seongeunji with leaving, with choedaye the saw.A sudden have a change of heart her husband's heart gets heavy when violence in the eyes and they ran amok in the face of the seongeunji uyeongu the decision.변호사의 비밀 유지 의무를 지키기 위해 최수연과 ‘소금’ 군, ‘후추’ 양, ‘간장’ 변호사로 대화를 나누었던 것처럼, 신일수가 이혼 후 로또 당첨금을 독식하려 하는 사실을 성은지가 깨닫도록 했다.
비록 한바다에서 신일수를 변호한 탓에 성은지의 이혼 소송을 직접 맡을 수는 없었지만, 원칙과 변칙의 경계에서 결정적 묘수를 발휘한 우영우의 활약은 눈부셨다.So this seems to be the case of the sinilsu the reversal in an accident.Money for desires and greed, the price of a tragedy that is irreversible.His end is a terrible death was dreaming of a colorful life.Hit a great supercar after a dump truck came running to purchase Lotto jackpot.After all, sinilsu seongeunji and the death of children he left 1.1 billion won Lotto jackpot and won an additional 300 million death benefit, and 14 billion won have come full circle and to visit my master.
On the other hand, the world take place only me, Wooyoung started my head was full of Lee Joon-Ho gesture of friendship." The whale, Mr. Lee Joon-Ho, in my head like a whale 불쑥불쑥하다 pop out over and over again an idea.I want to see again and again to confession, " Man is a stranger to one thinks that the air is too weird Wooyoung udapkke is honest and pure.Amplifier for the thrill of the two men to each other, deeper and the infiltration of strong romance.The end of the epilogue, lawyer for a ton of taesumi the (the actual facts of a man) Wooyoung one´s real mother, the fact that no friendship gwonminu (If jujonghyeok) has drawn some kind of deal is to try.Taesumi gwonminu she says, " uyeongu, which he holds the secrets of the job for a ton of lawyers Hanbada left can make?Counter proposal, a sense of crisis and deep.
‘weird lawyer uyeongu’ 12 times at 9 p.m. (4) today in the channel ena seezn, and broadcast on (season) and publicly available through Netflix.
[picture] air capture 11 innings ‘weird lawyer uyeongu’ channel ena