[a = osen bakssoyeong] ‘I am solo (I'm solo.)’ ninth phase of a philosopher of ancient China. (less than a false name) the beginning of the receipt showed a good feeling, not chose sangcheol.
3일 방송된 ENA PLAY(이엔에이플레이)와 SBS PLUS의 ‘나는 SOLO’에서 여자들의 데이트 선택이 공개됐다.
영숙과 옥순은 의사 광수를 차지하기 위해 돌진했고, 광수를 포기한 정숙은 자신에게 호감을 보였던 영호를 택했다.Singleness of heart is in English a man of great discernment, pleased to have adopted the party creates.
The biggest anti-war Xunzi and wise and virtuous.The two sports car and made everyone wonder. Select a sangcheolThank you very much about, but would have shocked the moment. also the sangcheol

Above all, a philosopher of ancient China. the choice of a surprise.Hsün-tzŭ "crept up on trying to open heart." when choosing a first date since the introduction, 16 and older receipt to the very thing straight.
Receipts from a Singapore is 42 years old, the head of Asian electronic trading futures and options and working part of British investment bank in charge of the elite.Age gap is a philosopher of ancient China., appealed to the receipt and beyond the receipt was to fall for his courage.
Hsün-tzŭ in this situation is not a receipt and add confusion to add sangcheol.Bowed her head in it is regretful is a receipt. who was waiting for a philosopher of ancient China. /
[picture] I'm solo.