"that I did music by proxy, Wonder" revealed first generation of idol and songbaekkyeong

1time Airline Group [press news, iaejeong] from songbaekkyeong to publish revelations about the 'first generation of boy a member' messages.

송백경은 8월 4일 개인 SNS를 통해 "한국의 1세대 아이돌을 대표하는 그룹 (멤버 중 한 두명 쓰레기가 존재하는) 그 그룹 멤버가 자기 스스로 작곡했다는 노래 (별로 유명한 노래도 아님) 그거 실은 내가 돈 한 푼 안 받고 싸구려 우정으로 대리작곡 해준 거.Are you still go someplace and form and that belts out well.It's an honor.I have long stopped being a celebrity her thin after I posted that work.

" with photographs of doors locked firmly in a lock on my mouth, a lock.When I saw this the mug, thick, persimmons, he hoped a long time.

Meanwhile, a One-Time made his debut with '1 tym' his first album in 1998. The songbaekkyeong'once n four all', introduced her new album 'one way', and unsweetened also perform.

In 2019, kbs Sungwoo passed a loan activity.

(photo = songbaekkyeong sns)
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