'target' Namgoong Min is get back ...1 % audience share of sbs the mound as a reliever, a shocking 'ransom' [field star ten].

Poetries deutppodeuppo, composed of the taeyuna
Namgoong Min Seo '1,000 won.' service fees, a lawyer., 'a thousand won a lawyer' and only two years to return to the sbs
Bulk business → super slim suit fit, he made his first debut 14 kg 役 challenge, a lawyer.[press, ten Asian countries = taeyu]
Namgoong Min an actor./ Photo : Ten Asian db

Poetries deutppodeuppo, composed of the taeyuna
Ten Asian reporter listen at the scene saw the faces of drama based on facts or taeyu ppogae right for you.Eyes and ears of many readers during the flood channel flowing from drama. Actor Namgoong Min, who the target is two years to come back to sbs. returning to 'stove league'드라마 팬들의 절대적인 지지를 얻으며 '믿고 보는 배우'로 입지를 견고히 한 남궁민의 컴백 소식에 기대가 쏠리는 가운데, 이전까지의 무거운 캐릭터를 벗어나 천원 몸값의 '똘끼' 충만한 히어로로 돌아올 그의 변신에 기대가 커지고 있다.

Photo provided / 'a thousand won a lawyer' = sbs

The current sbs Friday Saturday drama is 1 percent suffering from the worst slump in ratings.이는 현재 방영 중인 지상파 드라마 중 가장 낮은 수치로, 10%를 돌파한 동시간대 경쟁작인 MBC '빅마우스'와는 대결조차 되지 않는 성적이다.

This 'a thousand won a lawyer' is the sequel that is sbsNamgoong Min in the name alone that they had written a powerful emerging as '" Runner, Runner'.

'a thousand won a lawyer' is only a thousand won, but are by far the best skills, 'a lawyer gasseongbi' cheonjiun their clients ' most be a good backing of spirits that do not have become (If Nam Goong-min) a lawyer, an action playNamgoong Min is his characters a lawyer for the first time in 23 years in the sense that they mean a lot.

'black sun' 'a thousand won a lawyer' and (left) (U) / photo : mbc, sbs

여기에 전작인 MBC '검은 태양'에서 국정원 요원 캐릭터를 위해 14kg을 벌크업하며 '코리안 헐크' 피지컬을 보여줬던 남궁민이 근육을 쫙 빼고 슬림해진 비주얼로 돌아와 카멜레온 같은 그의 새로운 변신에 기대가 더해지는 상황.Teaser images released earlier, the dazzling oral action rather than just fancy spy action a tacky Namgoong Min's elastic is admiration of his acting skills.

'black sun' West also interesting that jaeoe with Kim Jieun, which to breatheNamgoong Min's partner standing 'black sun' an assistant, but Namgoong Min 'a thousand won a lawyer', and at daggers drawn with Kemy will showcase.Kim Jieun to the last rider into U.S. attorney from the Royal Family of the Judicial Research and Training Institute of attention.

Nam Goong-min expectations toward the figures for all exposed.Corp., the online research firm piaem public via the 'gs and panel' investigation looking forward to a child to 2022 in the second half in which film 'a thousand won a lawyer' was the No. 1 spot with 24.7 percent opting in.40.2 percent of all respondents, the second half of the 'Namgoong Min' will broadcast the film starring actor responded with an actor who counts the most of.

Photo = sbs 'a thousand won a lawyer' teaser video.

'a thousand won a lawyer' is the work they will face mbc of 'a gold spoon'.Yook Sung Jae, a drizzle, and jeongchaeyeon boy actors are cast from poor child at home and accidentally get born into wealth through a gold spoon with friends and change the fate become acquired a gold spoon which tells the story.

'스토브리그' 여주 박은빈이 ENA '이상한 변호사 우영우'로 신드롬적인 인기를 얻으며 올해 최고의 흥행작을 탄생시킨 상황.'우영우'가 떠난 안방극장서 '스토브리그' 남주 남궁민의 SBS 복귀작인 '천원짜리 변호사'가 인기 바통을 이어갈 수 있을지, 2년 연속 대상을 받은 남궁민이 3년 연속 대상이라는 영광을 거머쥘 수 있을지 주목된다.

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