[마이데일리 = 오윤주 기자] 혼성그룹 코요태 멤버 신지(본명 이지선·40)가 늘씬해진 몸매를 뽐냈다.
Wear three days, real compliment to the Instagram.# ounwan areas, said a mirror selpi.After the certification that left by a picture.
Shinji is drastically up at the waist and show off strong legs.Catch the eyes are small and bold poses.In particular, small face and jaw lines 'V) (v' not covered in masks is a source of wonder.As in the news a success in the diet with exercise, such as Pilates, Shinji.

Shinji, meanwhile, is Koyote, which recently under exclusive contract with star Jay-Z and which heralds the comeback.The active, including releasing their new songs and music station on August 8, plans to hold.Shinji is charged with the standard radio in 'Shinji, Jeong Jun-ha cry all the show' dj fm mbc.
[photo = wear Instagram].