Tanned leather. [The Sports Chosun a dot-com bagaram] groups (up) Lee Kyun from large cafe opened in Da Nang, Vietnam.
Lee Kyun the past three days in his sns " futuristic by several feet to take the lead..Others are preparing is, I'm nothing..Again, you made it obvious??It's always remained locked up..It's just still a long time the other differently than those of you to pass well..Open every day, being scolded by quickly..I will try to open as soon as it perfectly.^^, " released photographs of a construction site along with the words.
Construction ongoing site and contained in the picture.Surprised there was a different scale of a large building creates.
Lee Kyun earlier in March YouTube channel 'The update' of coffee business in Vietnam in saying "Da Nang, Nha Trang, and Hanoi, Vietnam, operates stores in 10 points." a collecting a stir as he said.
Lee Kyun, meanwhile, was joining group dressed skin and in 1997 turned actor ever since.Drama 'Hello, Francesca', 'Stars Falling From the Sky' and appeared on 'ring the White Tower' received much love.