Park Eun-hye ‘hwanhon’ end is about the [journalists are Kang Seo Jung osen] actor said.
Park Eun-hye his last 29 sns four seasons, shooting and who has been ‘hwanhon’ Have you seen my last broadcast yesterday..?오랜 기간 진호경으로 환혼 된 삶을 살다보니 제가 대호국 사람이고 이들이 다 가족 같아서 마지막 방송이 특히나 아쉽게 느껴지네요"라는 글을 게재했다.
The " hwanhon ’ to thank you for love.Answer a question a tough mind always taking, hwanhon..Which of people look and the spirit of it real..?A bad time with their daughter, people feel people, who is more precious daughter..Do you think I can choose one of them?.What adout you, right?If only one appearance and soul of a loved one is selected..?I was so difficult., ".

At the same time, saying it "capturing a moment to moment became drowsy and woke up" Joe released a picture of during the filming process was Park Eun-hye.
Park Eun-hye jinhogyeong gave an impassioned performance as the station. in the drama ‘hwanhon’ tvn /
[picture] Park Eun-hye sns.