Hyun-ah's lover (ek joyejin a sports news) singer after news of Dunn's contract expires with the agency pineisyeon sns left an affectionate comments.
Psy through his Instagram, Hyun-ah received 29 to capturing daily newspaper with entrance gate. end of an exclusive contract to publication. and pineisyeon
Hyun-ah received the short end of "Thank you." here. "Lover and released for that post, pineisyeon left comments on the MDP, Dunn.
Hyun-ah's is Dunne wrote "cool music in the future freely and Love with stage I love you." on Instagram wrote of affection, attracted attention.

Instagram story via the function of the Dawn is a short contract expiration of the said.He is low, even as the entrance gate, capture images with "Thank you very much a better show in the future for you.".
Earlier in the day, Hyun-ah expiration of the news, said that he "Every member of the pineisyeon of Hyun-ah, Dunn with pleasant memories that will keep for a long time" an exclusive contract, deongwaui. is pineisyeon
On the other hand, Hyun-ah lover and Dunn was released after signing an exclusive contract and 2019 pineisyeon, such as the music activities, and he appeared on the show with an unprecedented move and a quite a buzz.
= Hyun-ah, Instagram which was the picture.