[= Newsis, Seoul, Korea] Lee Jung-hyun 2022.08.30 (photo = Cosmopolitans) * ban on reselling and db
[= Newsis, Seoul, Korea] jeonjaegyeong reporters are photo released the actor Lee Jung-hyun, who was 30 days.
Lee Jung-hyun is 31, has released 'limit' movie.'limit' is all female crime thriller from villain to hero.She love that movie is a crime thriller, largely men the lead.The film is, criminals, secret police all the way up to the woman so good.Why wouldn't say I didn't " instrument of the show. Lee Jung-hyun is "It's really exciting.", and it's " the action scenes in a digest of the High Strength Without a band has to come in, bruises and devastated.Monitoring, but as soon as I can throw was worth playing. "Mun, about sum with the Jin Seo Yeon, " Everyone's water met meat.The smoke never ng I never had much so that, " wrote.
" There is no platform for Lee Jung-hyeon showed he was 'image remained a heroine' who have not.People I am strong.임신하고 14㎏이 쪄서 출산 3개월 뒤 촬영이 가능할까 했는데 3개월이 지난 지금, 쪘던 14㎏을 다 뺐어요"라고 했다.
" I then it is the stuffy when she was pregnant.입덧이 너무 심했고 마른 몸에 배만 나오니까 걷질 못했거든요.Stay away from work and bed so depressed.So I walked as soon as she gave birth, and I wanted to work as soon as possible ".
Lee Jung-hyun is older is "to be nervous, but, at the same time be fashionable" he said, as an actor said.She said, " women, such as 'limit' induced project to come along very very hard.다행인 건 OTT산업이 활성화되면서 다양한 이야기가 나오고, 배우들에게도 많은 기회가 주어지고 있어요"라며 "콘텐츠가 다양화되는 흐름을 따라 연출자, 제작자분들께서 나이 많은 여성 이야기도 많이 써주시길 부탁드리고 싶네요"라고 했다.

[= Newsis, Seoul, Korea] Lee Jung-hyun 2022.08.30 (photo = Cosmopolitans) * ban on reselling and db

[= Newsis, Seoul, Korea] Lee Jung-hyun 2022.08.30 (photo = Cosmopolitans) * ban on reselling and db