[comprehensive] called "eight years of marriage fold." Kim Hyo-jin, divorce ....Son Hyun-joo x jangseungjo the crisis ('a model penal team 2')

[Ten Asian journalists = Kang Min-kyung]
Photo = jtbc 'a model penal team 2' screen capture air.

Son Hyun-joo, of the Jung Moon Sung Kim Hyo-jin and declared the impact to a divorce and took jangseung with the investigation of the braking.

The last 20 days, televised jtbc toil the drama 'a model penal team 2' in cheonnana (If Kim Hyo-jin) ga utaeo at a press conference (Jung Moon Sung --) with a painted scene of the Declaration of the divorce.

In broadcasting gangdochang ojiyeok, (Combined popularity --) (Jang Seung-jo --) is Kim Min Ji (If baekssanghui) image dragging her to the bathroom in the assault of cctv tijei cheonsangu group vice president (If Choi Dae Hoon) and staring at the camera cctv to verify the legal team captain utaeo.This is Jung Hee Joo has two (who introduce myself.) killer is one of the evidence.Tijei a more complex case of, but, as always is a group of two wasn't a single team decided to go step by.

Photo = jtbc 'a model penal team 2' screen capture air.

First victim met Kim Min-ji ojiyeok and gangdochang cctv detained over the path for the image.But, once again, Kim Min-ji is "Even if it turns out against the man is nobody who beat me or have no intention of sending in prison." and mouth firmly shut.Kim Min-ji is already shaking cheonsangu to avoid is because they leave your hands.

우태호도 소환해 조사했지만, 검사 출신인 그는 강도창과 오지혁이 정희주와의 사생활이 담긴 사진을 들이밀었다는 이유로 "협박을 통한 진술 강요는 인권침해와 위법의 소지가 있다"며 되레 자신이 잘 아는 법을 이용해 주객을 전도시켰다.

Assault victim Kim Min-ji, assault and violence perpetrators, engineered utaeo heaven from Gangnam freeze of friendship stronger hit a wall in silence for two teams gidongjae (If an otolith.) to pay more attention to.Jung Hee Joo the day of her death and and some kind of have a connection group tijei gidongjae, which after the resolution of the case of I'm sure that hold the key.The problem is already gone into hiding after group also tijei gidongjae you keep an eye on the obstacles that from the whereabouts.

Photo = jtbc 'a model penal team 2' screen capture air.

Veteran detective threw down a brilliant move, saying, "of Beat down to the gangster." is gangdochangGwangsudae Seoul from a Gangnam make a freeze, according to ojiyeok josangpil killed two years ago, but tangled with him in connection with a love affair is the most likely suspect gidongjae.But the behavior of the rival organisation of people caught in the criminal register.Gwangsudae team at the time of incident, choeyonggeun in charge of (If Park Won-sang) is gidongjae in with the connivance of the work.

With two teams are using this.Freeze current boss, gujaechun to (If iocheol) and gangdochang ojiyeok "in charge of criminal and thrown over with." threw the fact.이에 살해당한 형님에 대한 충성심이 있었던 구재춘은 기동재가 당시 사건 담당 최용근과 친했다는 사실을 알아냈고, 형님을 죽인 원수를 처단하기 위해 눈에 불을 켜고 그를 찾아다녔다.Gujaechun's what "He only a little bit of a landing net to Lift" is the strong before the killing of two team's plan.

So far, so go smoothly.Only quick interceptions, and eventually found the gidongjae gujaechun men situation where you can do it.But at the scene where jimangu byeonjiung and (If jeongsunwon) (If Kim Ji-hoon) is intensity that waiting until all members of the team chased them and not follow the instructions of the window.But several of the two were stretches the imagination to deal with alone.

Photo = jtbc 'a model penal team 2' screen capture air.

In the end price head was stabbed and byeonjiung jimangu gidongjae, and missed.Such a car in front of them passed smoothly.Inside it, Gwangsudae to go back to Seoul on the recommendation of choeyonggeun janggi was riding the (If ijungok) team leader and mobility not good.

The cheonnana a hidden camera monitored the offices of the utaeo.And then munbogyeong (If hongseoyeong) cry because they happened to you.. Mr. Jung Hee Joo is " Boss to the utaeoA sorry I am more sad because you, like Jung Hee Joo?Your dad's really want to know.That is the same suspicions that harbor that I will go away, " he said.

The group held a press conference, " Now tijei cheonnana is well aware of how difficult situation.I'm very sorry about forced to announce it in this crisis that I would like to, said." I'm following eight years of marriage and her husband and thought about getting a divorce.Now tijei and linkage of the privacy be sweet, but, asked.

Kang Min-kyung Ten Asian news .
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