'uyeongu' exceptionally hot. " close to Park Eun-bin, gugyowan..Set has the good mood. " [★ Perform newsing].

Photo = ena 'weird lawyer uyeongu'.'weird lawyer uyeongu' The high viewer rating amid the great attention to guest stars are gathering.

Drama, trees ena 'weird lawyer uyeongu' ('uyeongu' less than manned, directed and written munjiwon) was a stroke of genius brain and a first-year lawyer with the autistic spectrum at the same time, uyeongu (If Park Eun-bin) survival tracing the Big Apple`s major law firms.Last month, 29, first audience share of 0.9 percent during the episode from the repeated, in its property values.System is 15.8 % for the last nine times, ten animation is 15.2 percent ratings.

(If juyeonyeong) greeting, a circle and drama of uyeongu uyeongu favorite whales, cg implement various elements, such as becoming an issue.One of conspicuous part, the actors a cameo performance here.Early polar Jung Myung Seok Choi Dae Hoon, the actor pretends to be a victim of plagiarism actor came as a lawyer (Kang Ki Young man) of rival jangseungjun iseonguk, talbungmin gyeyangsim an actor who played the role of the gimhieo be.In addition, recent bangguppong gugyowan is a big actors who play them to the attention. station The guest stars in 'uyeongu' installment following an eye-catching, not for a moment have to drag the amount of overdose.So easy to determine the appearance of a considerable burden and has the weight.By the way, including gugyowan iseonguk, How did cast, such as Choi Dae Hoon and gimhieo

The manned pd, said, as well as nine government ministries and saw the script not yet been made public when 'This role is in the world can do?' talked about the name of the few but the question like that name come up with gugyowan other actor said he would not be the moment.An earnest of liaison at the end became ", saying" so those of you who gave me s nice to you after you, thank you. " it.

'uyeongu' an official of the star released more behind in the news.Thank you very much for just that appeared in fact the official said.처음에 구교환, 이윤지 씨 얘기를 들었을 때 감사했다"며 "단순 특별출연 배역이 아니라 비중있는 배역이었다.Installment following amount to appear but not easy for appearing as one.Everyone didn't have the extraordinary performance.Thank you for the role to the full year in the right place, showed his appreciation.

The recent controversial a very good mood, he said, " ask How about this scene, did appear gugyowan atttadeora.(The gugyowan) Park Eun-bin actor the same agency also filming it ", saying" so that the atmosphere is good friends.Last December, from about 8 months was shot on. So family and really tell just by the look on speaking terms.Wuxi is you know in the final set, came up with. "

Good day earlier from July, according to three weeks, tv the topic of sector results announcement of the drama 'uyeongu' is ranked for four consecutive weeks.Three weeks in a row of its own record for the record 'weird lawyer uyeongu', a $ 1.6 million 6480 of the record as a single issue parking lot of points.The existing record of 2016, tvn in two weeks, 'respond, 1988' is 14 million 418 points, jumped to three weeks.

'uyeongu' officials said, this is not what we mean to do.A voluntarily.There are many fan base of each character.Junho, as well as fan uyeongu of love line is you who will be like, Kang Myung Suk.One episode from the amount you can be ", saying" to comment on a circle not unique induced the main characters are very popular.Hanbada football fan, you and watch lots of comments, A great international fans.There are actors can not be the ties will be main supporting role to class, " said gratitude.

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