[ranked y] fashion woseuteu Lim, Kim Hyang Gi, Kim Se Jung, a yeti.

'+ in outer space.' Part 1, major Korean movie aimed at a summer movie season, 'appearance for the Hansan Ramie Fabric :', 'The emergency declaration', 'Hunt' a production called the so-called 'Big Four' are up to one released and various events were held a premiere, including vip.The start of the drama, colorful works has a production press conference.

A number of stars this week, but in front of viewers and audience, unfortunately, in sad Cody is more than on the week.Mr. Kim Hyang Gi, Mr. Im's character while an actress, Kim Se Jung, and graphic novel, is chosen as Cody, was named the wife of a makeshift.

① - Im worst

Mr. Im © 5 Kits combine osen an actor.
Gangnae-ri news ahead of the season : No matter how fashion is too irrational to be introduced at the premiere of the height of summer, and ndajiman?In addition, not even that pretty.Fold back the sleeves up standing out the gold lining is old, to mimic a styling seems to have no unmade the head that gives us a feeling.

Kim Seong-Hyun reporters ahead of the season : going ahead too?On this day the monsoon is most of the country and issued a heat wave in the area was imposed and a full-fledged The heat wave is news There were feeling too hot to an electrolyte.The captain's long pants came down to one's shin scraped with a trench coat covering up to shoes is still not too much?A cool autumn breeze blows to have seen this fashion to the season did less likely to be desired.

이새 PD : 전체적인 패션 자체가 나쁜 것은 아니지만 계절감을 찾아볼 수 없다는 게 너무나도 큰 문제점으로 작용했다.Where is the end of a stifling creation of just to see a trench coat kkajiinji to trousers without even fathom, the meantime, in many ways.In addition, unmade hair is like being detained somewhere.(released?Only gives us a feeling like) was unaware of the season.

Jeonyongho pd : strange.The air conditioner is not real hard the thickness and length coat that can not digest at least.Heat and simultaneous 'The emergency declaration' a fever.

Kim Hyang Gi. - ② worst

Kim Hyang Gi, © 5 Kits combine tvn an actor.
Gangnae-ri news : mourning as soon as I saw ...Wear a unique just like that skirt?Dissected with odd side skirts and knee just flying, the details.Even white seam in the bottom of the skirt was torn out basic costume check before I think it means there's something, style is essential.

Kim Seong-Hyun news : a giant ribbon and reminiscent of those flapping as cute by retail points might think.What is that of the skirt elusive. However, identity and intentions?.Even out of the seam just sad more.Like a production press conference ahead of the hastily repaired, pressed for time while actor of feels like costumes by mistake. Kim Hyang Gi. owner of the appeal to be Jesse sangkeumhae just watching them : pdBut this clothing production press conference seems fresh charm who didn't make it stand out like that.If not for decoration in a skirt that can not see that acceptable and other decorations were stolen from the eyes I must have been able to be a sporty look is become not see.

Jeonyongho pd : I'm just would have been nice, neat skirt.The skirt is wearing, Mr. Kim Hyang Gi, anyway.

Worst be taken to North Korea - Kim Se Jung.

Kim Se Jung, © 5 Kits combine osen an actor.
Gangnae-ri not account at all body types : a look.Retail, looks more muscular shoulders, and on a diagonally geodeoolli bokssungappyeo long skirt reaching down to is a small keys make it look smaller.Black strap shoes to match the colors of a Pedicure is tacky and look scary even.

Kim Seong-Hyun news : a Bright and energetic actor.Kim Se Jung, the image comes to my mind.But why outfits who can't keep up with the image he has?Doubling to distract from the somber tone, and rustic details of dress is as if it were a 29-year-old feels like.Charm is lost and broken toe in costume.

Jesse capture viewers recently by a variety of attractions : pd and Kim Se Jung, who started positioning itself as a perfect actor.If you chose clothes that can be saved his own tattoo of a maverick and attraction name in woseuteu, we wouldn't have to lose.More than anything that can not see any meaning too ruffled makes a countrified exude an image as a whole.Even the color of fashion as bright, tons of hair and a feeling of playing and won't hold together at all. 헤어와 메이크업만큼은 완벽한데 패션이 모든 것을 망친 경우가 아닐까.

전용호 PD : '개구리 군복' 이후 세대라면 한 번쯤 보았을 신형 판초우의. 따로 검색하지 않아도 되겠다, 소름 돋게 닮았으니.

Worst④ - 설인아

배우 설인아 씨 ⓒOSEN
강내리 기자: 나름 브라운 톤으로 상하의 색감을 맞춰 통일성을 주려 한 것으로 파악되지만 결과적으로는 촌스러운 룩이 완성됐다. 베이지색 팬츠는 상의에 비해 너무 밝고, 상의는 기하학적인 무늬의 카디건에 목걸이와 벨트까지 더해져 산만하고 시선을 분산시킨다.

김성현 기자 : 설인아 씨만큼 매력적인 마스크에 다양한 옷을 소화할 수 있는 피지컬을 지닌 배우도 많지 않다. 하지만 공식 석상에서는 언제나 자신과 맞지 않는 듯한 의상을 입고 나와 안타까움을 더한다. 이날 영화 VIP 시사회 현장에서도 그는 마치 '화면조정시간'을 연상케 하는 가디건에 최근 유행하는 언더붑과 크롭탑 그 어딘가에서 갈피를 잃은 듯한 코디를 선보였다. 내추럴하면서도 깔끔한 코디로 '여친짤' 패션을 볼 수 있는 그의 SNS 속 일상 생활 사진을 보면 작은 위로를 삼아본다.

이새 PD : 영화 '비상선언'에서 승무원 연기에 도전하며 또 다른 매력을 보여준 설인아 씨. 하지만 영화 VIP 시사회에서의 모습은 아쉬움이 남는다. 계절감도 맞지 않을 뿐더러 설인아 씨가 가진 매력과도 전혀 맞지 않는 룩이다. '차라리 영화 속 분위기에 맞춰 룩을 연출했다면 훨씬 좋지 않았을까' 하는 생각이 든다. 여기에 크롭탑도 아닌 가디건을 애매하게 열어둔 디테일은 도무지 이해하기 힘들다.

전용호 PD : 열려 있는 기하학적 무늬의 가디건, 애매한 통의 베이지 팬츠. 자칫 바짓단을 밟을 듯 위태로운 굽 높은 힐. 패션의 착륙지를 알 수 없다. 또다른 '비상 선언'.

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