Overwhelming 1st complete confidence concerning ··· Ghana 10 million, Hansan.

Lotte Entertainment provided.

The movie ‘appearance for the Hansan Ramie Fabric :’ are the overwhelming attendance.

Korean Film Council integrated information system standards, stack up on the first place movie ‘appearance for the Hansan Ramie Fabric :’ opening weekend box office attendance 2,270,207 to.The rates released 300 million mark in a few days became clear, and cruise will likely be box office thanks to word of mouth in two weeks.

An overwhelming No. 1 box office ‘appearance for the Hansan Ramie Fabric :’ One of the factors that are loved by most of all, ‘Myeongnyang’ Kim Han-min's comeback work that apparently giving the audience confidence.Yi Sun-sin called project after ‘Myeongnyang’ trilogy last eight years to complete the ‘appearance for the Hansan Ramie Fabric :’, ‘Noryang : UNEP’ The director Kim Han-min, showcase the works.여기에 박해일, 변요한, 안성기, 손현주, 김성규, 김성균, 김향기, 옥택연, 공명, 박지환, 조재윤, 박훈, 박재민까지 학익진같은 배우들의 탄탄한 팀워크가 관객들에게 긍정적인 작용을 끼쳤다.

‘appearance for the Hansan Ramie Fabric :’ is No. 1 box-office record.Lotte Entertainment provided.

‘appearance for the Hansan Ramie Fabric :’ team for two weeks, final curtain call, and will communicate more ardently and with the audience.In addition, the Golden Egg index 95 % 9.1 points be hard of approach, including scoring 9.4 points and Megabox, Lotte Cinema audiences cgv the box office and the audience the scoring nine points.

한편 영화 ‘한산: 용의출현’은 명량해전 5년 전, 진군 중인 왜군을 상대로 조선을 지키기 위해 필사의 전략과 패기로 뭉친 이순신 장군과 조선 수군의 ‘한산해전’을 그린 전쟁 액션 대작이다.절찬하다 speak in playing right now.

Online journalist . iyeju
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