Ki Sung-yueng, 8 ♥ of Han Jin, Mrs. Han ...Me getting old. "

▲ footballer Ki Sung-yeung (the left) and actress Han Hye-jin.Ki Sung-yong, a source for Instagram.

[= Jung Seo Hee, press for sporting news] admired the beauty for footballer Ki Sung-yueng rounded out the wife Han Hye-jin.

Ki Sung-yueng, recently posted along with the words, "and see a man with Mrs." on Instagram pictures of themselves.

Han Hye-jin and Ki Sung-yong, a couple of photos released the selfies are filled.The two are the green grass with leaving picture look.Good features and atmosphere is increasingly resemble.

This year, car 10 years of marriage in which Han Jin as the couple's age difference is 8 years old born in 1981, Ki Sung-yueng rounded out the 1989 student.But I caught my eye or never feel is directed by Han Hye-jin the appearance, during the age of difference.Ki Sung-yueng " The feeling of an ageing me, too.I'm sure she whines on and cute, but I was young, and his wife's beauty for pride.

Meanwhile, Ki Sung-yueng and directed by Han Hye-jin is married, 2013, 2015 the amount of Zion in her breast.Ki Sung-yueng is currently run as a midfielder at Seoul fc.The movie is directed by Han Hye-jin jtbc to nail down his new drama starring in 'sacred divorce'.

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