지난 2일 방송된 TV CHOSUN ‘골프왕3’ 13회에서는 ‘골프왕3’가 국내 예능 최초로 대자연을 품은 지상낙원의 나라 ‘라오스’를 찾아 원정 경기를 펼쳤다.
First, Kim Mi-Hyun = Kim Ji-seok, Yoon Tai-young, gathered at the airport director's departure a day after the end, called "Laos the ‘ peuwang, invited the ’" yangseyeong is to ‘Laos’ Goodwill did not hide his mind.In Dubai as Nichkhun is due to a concert with three people when he emerge who played due to ‘Ace goal peuwang’ not to Gyeonggi Provincial Office, but instead of Jang Min-ho Nichkhun members said "very well cast your own friends." that another confrontation was nervous this time.비행 끝에 라오스에 도착한 김국진-김미현 감독과 윤태영, 김지석, 양세형, 닉쿤은 공항에 운집한 많은 팬들의 함성 소리에 깜짝 놀랐고, 꽃목걸이까지 목에 걸어주는 격한 환영을 받으며 ‘골프왕’의 글로벌한 인기를 다시금 실감케 했다.
A unique charm, Nichkhun is to arrive at a golf course after full of Gangnam super-deluxe guest actor Lee Ji-hoon, direct liaison and broadcasting appeared.Gangnam is "Kim Kuk-Jin into golf because nervous about.", and it's Kim Kuk-Jin tiki-taka Kemi and cruel, Kim Kuk-Jin "Gangnam is to play golf, play a prank." that it is time to golf by showing a smile the sea.Due to Lee Ji-hoon, Nichkhun, golf is being fun.Reveal the passion and we are different and playing golf every day before the broadcast.Laos that local type hanging over dinner Kim Mi-hyun ‘bone peuwang’ is director of the burning of the fight for both teams, Nichkhun, Lee Ji-hoon, ‘triple King’ in Gangnam, Seoul of southern Seoul as a team determined and thus raised hopes for the game.
Photo provided / 'goal 3 peuwang' = Joseon tv
Photo provided / 'goal 3 peuwang' = Joseon tv첫 번째 홀 3대3 단체전에서는 윤태영이 첫 티샷부터 해저드 쪽으로 날린 반면, ‘삼중왕’팀 닉쿤은 페어웨이 정중앙에 떨어뜨려 박수를 자아냈다.윤태영은 "라오스까지 와서 미안하다"며 사과를 건넸고, 양세형은 풀숲에 떨어진 트러블샷을 성공시켜 김국진에게 "이 이상 잘 칠 수 없다"는 칭찬을, 윤태영에게서는 큰절을 받았다.But in the bunker again trouble shot of the Yoon Tai-young yangseyeong the ‘triple King’ team is the first hole, don't get over the victory.The ‘triple King’ team and blasted "Why are you so much fun?" moments up to the skies, Kim Ji-seok, the attractions of the peuwang yangseyeong, Yoon Tai-young came to see a team ‘triple King’ in order to try to make an excuse for laugh, "be considerate guests, and is to keep an eye on the first hole" surprise.Yoon Tai-young ‘bone peuwang’ team - is the second two all dyuejjeon yangseyeong, ‘triple King’ team Lee Ji-hoon, was against.이지훈은 완벽한 티샷을 쳐 첫 홀의 실수를 만회했고 양세형 또한 페어웨이에 안착시켰지만 김국진이 "지훈이가 더 잘 쳤어"라고 편을 들어 ‘골프왕’팀의 원성을 샀다.However, Lee Ji-hoon, and Gangnam dwittang the series, the first day is precious as long as the ‘bone peuwang’ team that won.
Move to the next, Lee Ji-hoon, is yangseyeong in Gangnam, Seoul, Lee Ji-hoon, and accept the drug is practicing for dwittang holkeop to perfectly into exclamations to the chibinsyat to explode.Nichkhun and Kim Ji-seok match in the private one-on-one 3 hole, and baekttori, Kim Ji-seok, saying it was "the most terrible object in the world people not to lose" the fire.김지석을 상대로 닉쿤은 명불허전다운 출중한 실력을 선보였지만 파 퍼팅이 홀컵을 스치듯 지나가 보기가 되며 아쉬워했고, 예상과 달리 김지석이 보기를 기록하며 닉쿤과 무승부를 이루는 이변을 낳아 모두를 놀라게 했다.Hall 1 to 4 to 1 jimokjjeon Mulligan to the winning team prior to the Cham Cham Cham was game and advance a fierce confrontation at the end of the ‘triple King’ team won a mulligan.The Kang Nam is, he gave a ‘bone peuwang’ team is, "not to lose." and call the Yoon Tai-young, revealed more competitive than others.Gangnam with a double bogey at the end of the struggle is Yoon Tai-young had fallen into laughter in the field, saying, "I don't like and" and managed to beat him.
Photo provided / 'goal 3 peuwang' = Joseon tv
Photo provided / 'goal 3 peuwang' = Joseon tvHow do you start playing golf five holes before? Kim Kuk-Jin Lee Ji-hoon is the question of "Tiger Woods started three years ago because images are cool." said Kim Kuk-Jin and broadcasting, and Gangnam started playing golf and I heard about your wife, Lee's ability to play golf, " a 250 m the driver.Now tell not the point of blandness, surprised everyone.Hall 2 to 5 for two dyuejjeon yangseyeong - Nichkhun - Lee Ji-hoon, Kim Ji-seok ‘triple King’ and pitch winning one point from the ‘bone peuwang’ team and became a 2-2 draw both teams.다음 홀로 가기 전 윤태영은 임유진에게 전화를 걸었고 두 사람이 함께 나온 방송을 보고 있던 임유진은 "그날 생각도 나고 너무 재밌네.Romantist is my brother came out to " laughed.In the side from yangseyeong has been "Taeyeong brother to live the king of golf and life wife and save everybody." listening, make idle remarks.Nichkhun was in three of the anticipated the final hole to 3 are conducted in the group, distance m a fantastic, reliable hitting out of the yangseyeong the hitting. 235Let's draw up the Gangnam in the holkeop yangseyeong said at the best today.You tried to stop playing golf seriously attacked, and made it into laughter.Nichkhun is to see I'm so sorry that, but eventually fail to Yoon Tai-young ‘triple King’ Collect the team's final victory cheer and happiness.
Photo provided / 'goal 3 peuwang' = Joseon tv
Got together to a fine restaurant in Laos after the game, and yangseyeong is still laugh he started talking, and a collective moan about his last hole putt. ‘골프왕’팀이 장민호의 부재가 패인이라며 안타까워하던 순간, 장민호의 전화가 걸려왔고 장민호는 “내가 없으니까 외국에서 못치고 말이야”라고 전해 모두를 배꼽 잡게 했다. 승리한 ‘삼중왕’팀만이 라오스 만찬을 먹는 가운데 ‘골프왕’팀은 라오스 별미인 ‘애벌레 튀김’을 받아들고 한 개씩 먹어보며 충격을 쏟아냈다. 이어 “저녁 다 함께 즐겨요”라는 김국진의 말과 함께 모두 라오스 만찬을 즐기면서 마무리를 지었다.
Meanwhile, ‘goal 3 peuwang’ is aired every Saturday night at 7.
Ryuyeji Ten Asian news .