'Being bossy' scarlet letter 'Irene' with ....[field star ten] deterrence created controversy is bulpyeolleo

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Red velvet a picture is a rumor, Irene.
'Being bossy again.' controversy, it adds up to be bigger in the text of anonymity.[Ten Asian journalists : Woo Bin]
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Woo Bin Ten Asian reporter in the entertainment industry or signs of to happen will examine the issueTransfers control to add fresh attention of the press stories based on objective information.Similar brand is not difficult for a man with the scarlet letter.One´s pet aversion is studded with entertainers, is easier.A plausible in the title of the sightings and writing about to see if you will have a picture that I had no time has come under fire.

Red velvet group of Irene are not released photos of the airport pulling a cart and became 'In addition, an idol gapjjilhan'.Character is Irene, including three in the picture.Irene and one staff got their hands lightly, another carrier by staff is representative of the cart is dragging on a cart.

Attach a picture and add writing is when we start attacking.Irene is on vacation and 'staff jjinchin' reality TV entertainment that actually, I wonder.The writer said, 'jjinchin' between between Jim that all staff are dragged.Do you instruct them, all the luggage who went on vacation and a friend and jjinchin.That's a shame, really small.

Photo : online community,
Are you going to be shocking if you don't drag a cart the airport.Now be one Being bossy to colleagues of something, too. So, how staffIrene ordered all staff to stand, the fact that the does not exist anywhere.

In fact, exist in the context and relationship.Moment of the moment is captured all does not prove that the picture.No reason to support the context and relationship picture is picture.

Irene Being bossy in 2020 by a controversial.So just a picture of Being bossy It is the frame I shouldn't be hard.An incident in the public indignation.Not good public opinion sympathetic but will be very large bed.

Irene was hurt by the actions of a stylist and editor two years ago amid controversy over revelations, in writing sns.아이린이 구체적으로 어떤 행동을 저질렀는지 밝혀지진 않았지만 폭로자가 "'을'의 위치에서 한 사람에게 철저하게 밟히고 당하는 경험을 했다"는 글을 적으면서 폭언 등 갑질을 예상하게 했다.

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Irene was acknowledging and apologizing for the wrong time.Lee who apologized to a stylist, and the two meet a team of stylists and bow.Burrole's request, also posted a public apology.

Irene "My silly attitude and careless comments made the stylist of mind to truly I'm sorry to the wound.", "In the future, more carefully I'd like to think and act so that this sort of thing", apologized. SM 역시 "당사 역시 이번 일에 책임을 통감하며, 당사 및 소속 아티스트들과 협업하는 모든 관계자 및 스태프분들의 노고를 잊지 않고, 앞으로 함께 하는 모든 분께 이러한 일이 재발하지 않도록 노력하겠다"고 회사 차원의 재발 방지도 약속했다.

Irene had 'Being bossy' that the stigma of it.Red velvet back on when broadcast entertainment programs, besides the music quietly as much as possible away from public activities without appearing to Irene.

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Pull up the past, and a picture of anonymous comments again.Just a coincidence that making a spectacle.Became not only not be switched off a cart of crowd, that's Being bossy.

The writing is a double edged sword of online community where anonymity is guaranteed.'creator' behind a common identity, exposing the fact that I didn't say many cases to abuse the anonymity, but there are some benefits.

This incident is a debate.주홍 글씨가 새겨진 아이린, 사진과 사실확인이 되지 않은 목격담과 괘씸하다는 코멘트에 동조한 불편러들이 만들어 낸 논란에 가깝다.In fact, without action to stir up controversy is hard to be justified.

Woo Bin Ten Asian news .
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