[osen : a reporter Kim Soo Hyung] ‘2 dongsangimong’, Andy's wedding is drawn to depart for a total of Shinhwa members.Freezing of heavily armored Eric Shin went up slightly from weight to the fans wondered about members of the whole also brought delight.
A broadcast four days ‘I was in dongsangimong season - You Are My Sunshine’ to the arts, sbs the airwaves.
Andy first solo were released and the wedding of actress Lee Eun-ju.Lee Eun-joo was into June bride, he was "I'm a cold sweat." and nervous.The parents of, daughter of actress Lee Eun-ju, to ulkeokae.
Andy arrived.Go to the wedding hall, greeted her guests.Baek Jong Won and ` Rivals `, sea and gimgwanggyu and TV actor Lee Jin-wook, the actor arrived in as Eric from Shinhwa and Na Hye Mi, Min-woo and Kim arrived, a forward and ryuiIn particular, Eric is also some eye-catching figure is slightly higher weight than ever before.

But just before the expression I didn't see Shin Shin is the last to arrive in a hurry.Black hat and due in large part to a black mask to cover completely the situation to Shin didn't recognize it.Kim Gura, and said, "In fact, Mr. Shin was concerned about an article that I can't wedding" is ijiye sinhyeseok which was quite a buzz, saying it "I haven't seen so heavily armed." the boycott of the incident, the marriage.
앞서 신화 멤버들이 앤디를 위해 축가공연을 펼치던 중 신혜성의 모습이 보이지 않아 불참설이 돌았으나, 이는 오해로 일단락 됐던 바.Shin to the same day is described as "because in stage together not only sang" and dismissed the rumors. Shin eclipse all the black hat and a mask as a misunderstanding because, like the image was.모니터로 이를 보던 앤디는 "너무 오랜만에 만나 반가웠다"며 메인 보컬인 혜성이 건강을 회복 중이라고 전했다.My legs hurt, and my throat is bad.Shin "I'm in bad shape but came though and was very impressed." he said referring to a health is getting a lot.
In fact, Shin was injured are getting along with members saying that the leg two days ago of all places.Knee surgery both legs.Malgon, Kim said, legs good, right?Showed full of fear ".There are whole and "And I feel so strange." forward a long time in as much as the especially special.

Yang Se Chan is in charge of social wedding ceremony begins in earnest, weddings.As the wedding in the tension and romance and many congratulated by actress Lee Eun-ju Andy from the groom and bride entered after him.Andy Lee Eun-joo, the answer, saying, "with all my life, my girl." "He is now to brother was standing in front of my husband felt." and ulkeokae.
Wedding highlights, the architect left.Andy, younger group, with architect of the mcnd songs called the ‘proposal’ his solo career and turn it over to Andy.The bride Lee Eun-joo's surprise serenade was prepared.Lee Eun-joo was impressed, saying, "When I got".
The actress Lee Eun-ju, too, just personally editing video, which is preparing a surprise event.Was full of memories of the two men made of heart.As images of one's older sister and niece, who lives in the United States also stand in my family and Andy, who burst into tears.
I can't come to the mobility impaired her grandmother also go back to talk to take video had prepared the video.앤디는 이민가기 전 어린 시절 사랑으로 키워주셨던 할머니라며 눈물, 할머님은 "은주랑 행복하게 정말 잘 살어, 정말 사랑한다I only do you well live happily forever, " and remarks such as shedding tears all did.Andy a letter it can not forget the images to be a lifetime.

Yang Se Chan, the end of the just the wedding, a host, Shinhwa members summoned to the stage.Should I say, a perfect wedding anniversary show, the guerrilla performance without prior consultation.Lee Eun-joo, not only members of the bridegroom Andy embarrassed to feel sorry for "Offical Discount Rate, I don't tell", and that Shinhwa members.
But Shin climbed onto the stage just five members, except the atmosphere was hot and sick.Andy a ‘The Perfect Man’ to legend as the stage for the 20 years ago with a knife with a group dance shows off perfect, see the stage sets for.Shinhwa members are rusty kalgak performance that is not perfect memory recall to a figure.White space, three years, piled their breath as if to match yesterday.
Eric is a stage later, Andy, saying he felt "almost torn pants." to the suit fit and embarrassed because of a dancing show attracted attention.

After the stage, thanks to Andy and Lee Eun-joo was members said.At the same time "to love with the state of mind forever." and daunting second careers by moving the wedding.
한편, SBS예능 ‘동상이몽 시즌2-너는 내 운명’은 다양한 분야의 커플들이 알콩달콩 살아가는 모습을 '남자'와 '여자' 입장에서 바라보고, 운명의 반쪽을 만난다는 것의 의미와 두 사람이 함께 사는 것의 가치를 살펴보는 프로그램으로 매주 월요일 밤 11시 10분에 방송된다. /
[picture] ‘2 dongsangimong’ capture.