[Ko Jae Wan the sports news] mbn through the '2 dolsinggeuljeu' met her husband yunnamgi idaeun is costume challenge to produce this time.
28 to his Instagram story is idaeun liked to wear " I usually wrap dress too!!한 번쯤 랩원피스를 만들어서 입어보고 싶다고 생각한 적은 있지만 그런 것들은 나와는 다른 사람들이 하는 일이라고 생각했었다"며 "최근 다양한 미팅을 하면서 우연히 의류를 직접 제작할 수 있도록 도움을 받을 수 있게 되면서 '결혼식 때 입을 옷을 만들어볼까?' start with the idea of just jobs a little bigger, " said.
The story " the last dress and surprised to see a lot of attention of those feeds that were used as a taste similar to me today!", saying" recently a lot of trouble thinking carefully about the sale, said.Let's see many of you've just come out, courage and a little with their support and interest!Next week..Please wait, " he added.
Meanwhile, after YoonA register their marriage, and by idaeun is expected in September wedding.